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Its beautifull out there tonight.


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Stunningly clear and crisp in rural West Midlands, Milky way stretching off to the West... just come in after an hour and a half, as hubby wants to open the wine & watch a film. To be honest, I was wavering in what I should do tonight!...:)

There's a bit of light pollution due to people's house lights on etc and there's a lot of coal fires burning - but to be honest, it's been so long since I last went out, I really don't care.

I just wish I could have this attitude everytime I go out to observe, but unfortunately, a lot winds me up normally. (stray light, cold fingers, etc)

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Just popped the 106mm out to try my new ethos for the first time. Jupiter looking good as ever but a but wobbly as it is over the neighbours house at the moment. Lovely view of M45 and also the clusters in Auriga M38 etc. Thought I would see if I could spot M57 just as a challenge as it's quite low and in amongst the light pollution over Walton. Amazingly I managed to spot it quite clearly. Had never really tried for it from here before because I thought you needed a dark sky.

A few bits of cloud around but other than that, not a bad sky. Really must put something warmer than shorts on, its a bit nippy out there! :-)

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

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Just come in for a warm and a brew....

Its beautiful here in Chorley Lancashire , been out with my little 76mm reflector and managed to see

the banding on Jupiter with an Astroboot Huygens 10mm £1.50 special so the seeing must be good :)

The Pliades look spectacular in my 8 x 30's and even M31 is quite distinct in them.

Just goes to show that with the right conditions inexpensive gear will give some wonderful observing.

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Really must put something warmer than shorts on, its a bit nippy out there! :-)

Yer kidding - I was wearing three fleeces including a Yeti fleece, two coats, thinsulate gloves & socks, fleece boots and I STILL got cold! :D

Living in a temperate maritime climate, we are just not used to minus temps in the UK, so anyone else who is used to standing in minus 40 degrees centigrade in underwear and can steadily whilstle a tune can jolly well be quiet! :)

But you can really see why the UK winters are so great for our hobby. ;)

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Am just nipping in and out at the moment until the short people go to sleep. Will accept defeat and put some jeans on if I go out for longer :-)

Polar Bear, you are absolutely right, some if my best nights have been just observing with 10x50's from a really dark site, just amazing how many different objects you can see

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

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Yer kidding - I was wearing three fleeces including a Yeti fleece, two coats, thinsulate gloves & socks, fleece boots and I STILL got cold! :)

Cold ?

when I wer a lad we would be sen out on nights like this barefoot, to collect ice

to mix wit gruel in't morning....

I'm not in my shorts but think I will put a fleece on over my t-shirt next time I go out !


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Am just nipping in and out at the moment until the short people go to sleep. Will accept defeat and put some jeans on if I go out for longer :-)

Polar Bear, you are absolutely right, some if my best nights have been just observing with 10x50's from a really dark site, just amazing how many different objects you can see

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

Indeed , and I have just had a major gear rationalisation and sold my 6" reflector and my Vixen Ultima 10 x 50's thinking we were in for some bad seeing weather for the whole of November.....typical

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Just got back from EMS dark site.

Doc, that funny noise turns out to have been my rear brakes frozen on. I must admit to a touch of panic as I say you guys disappear down the lane into the distance. The discs were glowing when I got to the main road, I could smell them inside the car but I wasn't going to stop incase I didn't get going again. After 20mins they had cooled and the calipers had released. Phew.

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Its the clearest skies ive seen here for a long time, but very cold minus 5.....Milky way is visible, Jupiter and its 4 moons can be seen, and Great Nebula in Andromeda can be seen easily with the naked eye(m31)....Im still using Binoculars, hoping santa will be bringing my Telescope!!...

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Gorgeous here in mid-Norfolk. Snug indoors watching James Bond on ITV4 while the scope is busy imaging NGC891 for the first time. Lazy? Moi?


with all the work you put into getting to do it while you are sat there watching Bond,

Far from lazy.. sorted more like :)

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