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Hi all! Just came in to share and learn with you all.

I personally love viewing the sky at night as much as I can. I am nothing more than a novice with a passion for the visual aspects.

I will try photography later when i buy a new scope.

I've loved the stars for about 18 years now.

back in 97' i got a long look at Hale/Bopp and before that I was amazed to see the milky way band across the sky when i took my first trip out of the city. after that. well thats history.

I come from Chicago but now I live and work in Beijing. The sky here is very bad but I moved north and got away from the worst of the light pollution as well as congested areas of this city of 20 million people.

I find that Astronomy is the type of activity most do not enjoy. And therefore feel a bit out of touch because friends who like this are in far away places.

But nevermind it. the sky is there for us all! and we can share online here.

I've downloaded and installed stellarium. Its a great great tool.

and spent much time this autumn(2010) watching and making little drawings of Jupiter. While trying to find more M objects.

I only have a decent pair of 7 by 50 binoculars however I find those to be very reliable and easy to transport since I do not have a car.

I have been online for nearly 20 years now and most of the time was in mindless chat rooms or using some forums that i found to be a total waste and now i decided to come here.

Thanks for being here and look forward to sharing my stuff with you all.

but don't expect anything great. im still a beginner of the universe that is just so darn big. with so many possible avenues of work that may be done, I believe that it is a life long passion which will lead to others lives too.

in closing

Aliens exist.

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Hi keeplookingup

Welcome to SGL. I feel sorry for you living in Beijing. While most of us have trouble with light pollution, you must have a lot of trouble with air pollution as well. My experience with Chinese air pollution is they are strong enough to blind out even the sun.

I agree real aliens exist somewhere in the universe, but UFOs and 'aliens' you see on earth are just government cover up for secret aviation projects that they spend our tax money on but don't want us to know about.

Clear skies


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