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Hello About the planet 'ME'

Helen of Troy

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I have been a member of LAS (liverpool AS) for about a year. Prior to that I was observing in my dark (spooky at first) back garden. But prior to even that, I was on holiday in Austrailia - Port Douglas. Stayed at a hotel and the receptionist had a telescope which she used, to give guests a tour of the night sky. I was given a star map and was shown the "jewel box" in the "southern cross". It was magical, and I was hooked.

I have been using a 15x70 helios binos on a tripod. I am now looking for a scope which is light to carry, not difficult to set up. I would like it to be able to see saturns rings, and view the other lovely deep sky object that are not available to me. Oh, and another thing, it has to go with my outfits. :)

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A warm welcome to the SGL Forum Helen.

There was a Pink Dobsonian telescope on EBay a while back.

Would Pink fit in with your outfits perhaps?:)

Seriously though, as Doc. said, knowing your budget woul be a guide as to what could be candidates scope wise.

The man thing is you enjoy being here, so don't be afraid to ask any questions that will help you.


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Hi Helen, welcome to SGL. You are amongst a fine group of people who will be able to help you along the learning curve. Never be afraid to ask any astro questions and be assured that you will be treated with respect as long as you don't mention astrology. :)

Also, worth a note, remember that if you think that it is a UFO then it is probably a chinese lantern. :D

Regards from Dave (L.A.S)

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Greetings Helen,

I've grown fond of the Southern Cross and Jewel box since first seeing them in May. I hope to get to see them from a better position some day.

Port Douglas is where I'd like to get to in 2012 for the total eclipse, but I think work may get in the way of those plans...

Oh, don't be tempted by those pink scopes on ye olde baye of fleas eh?

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I would ideally like a scope that is capable of looking at saturns rings, and nebulas.

I would like a Celestron or Mead. I like the look of the ETX, it's small, and looks like It doesn't need much fiddling about. I have difficulty with my hands. My fingers are quite numb and I dont have much strength in hands either, so I dont want to risk dropping anything or having small screws tp fiddle with. I dont know how much I should allow but ideally about £300 - £500

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hi and welcome to the lounge, If you want a no fiddle scope I would suggest a mak or a refractor the celestron nexstar 4 is a small mak which will let you look at planets unfortunately its not great for most of the nebulas. for those you need a scope with big apparture. the most cost effective of these will be reflectors on a dobsonian base. However they need regular collimation and would probably be too heavy for you. I cant recommend a refractor because i have no experience of them but somebody will have some good suggestions for you. by the way 2 things, nexstar4 comes in orange and you havent mentioned skywatcher which are also a very highly rated brand. do you not like them or were they overlooked?

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