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Milky Way and Windmills from Kastos

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Kastos is a small Ionian island just off mainland Greece. On a headland there is an old windmill which has been cleverly converted into a bar. The night sky from here is wonderful especially when the lights in the windmill are turned off.

It's easy to get philosophical here. The area is full of ancient sites mentioned by Homer. Looking across this ancient land and seascape at the vastly more ancient Milky Way can make you feel very insignificant and transient. The temperature was about 25 degrees and the sea could be heard gently sighing beneath my vantage point.

The Milky Way shot is 3 mins at iso 800 with a Canon 1000D and a Tokina 11-16mm zoom at 11mm F4 on an astrotrac. I took a second shot having stopped the astrotrac to get a sharp foreground.

The windmill shot is about 30mins worth of 2 minute images at ISO 400 taken with a Tokina 16-50mm but I'm afraid I've forgotton the other details. I wanted to capture the complimenting themes of the windmill and the turning of the sky. A small village over the brow of a hill behind the windmill as thrown up the LP gradient.



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Under light-polluted skies one can easily forget we are all inside a galaxy. Your picture seems to show the central hub as yellowish, mainly population II lower metal-containing stars and the spiral arms as bluish higher metal-containing population I stars. (I think that's right anyway).

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Thats POTW imho :icon_salut: (the MW shot i mean)


I'll be the judge of that :(

If it wasn't for Ollys pic it would have done it for me. Simply beautiful Martin, I love that framing, the foreground, the angle of the MW, everything!

I'd be very interested to try using Pixinsight on that background to see what it could do.

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