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Everything posted by msinclairinork

  1. msinclairinork

    Lunar & Planetery

  2. hmm.... I am conviced though that EQMOD does not like high com port numbers, i am sure I have heard this elsewhere. Did you try what I sudgested? Michael
  3. Hi RT, I would change that port number to somwhere below 12. Say 8? To do that go into your device manager in windows and find what EQDIR is conected to usualy looks somthing like 'prolific serial...bla bla' then double click on it and go into the adavnced settings and you should be able to select a different COM port. Then in EQASCOM setup, set it to the one you have made it. That should solve your problem. I dont think EQASCOM can handle it when it is as high a port number as that. HTH Michael
  4. msinclairinork


    Just snaps of this and that
  5. Thanks mate, It was taken about 120miles east of Aberdeen, it can be nice but as for right this moment its a compleatly different veiw! BIG waves!!
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