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New scope


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Question: What comes in a box like this :):)

A 7 hour round journey and the (not so) wee beastie is mine :D:):(

Looks immaculate, to say I'm a bit apprehensive about first light is an understatement. Fingers crossed the optics work as they should...



Answer: :icon_eek: Tal 200K :(





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Think you got a bargain there...never had the pleasure of looking through one, but love Tals and it will be bombproof...why not join the Tal fans forum on this site? Some very knowledgeable peeps over there!

Congratulations on a fine scope, from my neck of the woods too!



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There's a bit more info on the design, in this review, Revs.

TAL 200K OTA Review Nenad Filipovi?'s Homepage



Thanks for the link Andy - this review has opened my eyes especially as I was considering buying an 8" SCT in the future. Clearly I must now rethink.

Jon your new scope looks fantastic and like others I look forward to a review.


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  • 4 weeks later...
How are you liking it?

Only managed couple of hours in this cloudy county but so far so good. I think it's going to be a cracking all rounder. Had the briefest glimpse of the moon on Saturday, the view seemed better than any I've had to date at X333.

Still waiting for a look at Jupiter.

M57 was a delicate smoky halo hanging in the sky, M13 looked 3D somehow.

It is heavy but it's very compact and manageable . I also ike being down the business end of the scope, makes life much easier.

In moderately light polluted skies I think it will take some beating.

A big fat newt will always give better views with dark skies.

Can't wait to give my new 24mm an outing.....


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