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Decision time. Bigger eyepiece case or fewer eyepieces?

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I’ve had the same eyepiece case as long as I’ve had enough eyepieces to justify having a case! My collection is pretty complete and I can’t say that I have any changes planned. However, I do have a Leica zoom and no space to put it in. My Orthos don’t see as much use as they used to so maybe I could take them out. Some fresh foam and a reorganise may do it. I’ve even considered taking the filters out but I like having them with the eyepieces so everything is together. 

Browsing through new cases options I found this DURATOOL D03134 which looks like it’ll great protection though maybe a little too big? 

I’m throwing it out to great wisdom of SGL for thoughts and ideas. Any other good case options? Is it time to slim down the eyepiece collection?


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I’ve lost count of the number of times I have tried what you suggest.

Here’s the shocking truth-

It’s much easier to choose a spouse for someone else than choose eyepieces.


Best of luck from Ed!

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If you got a replacement foam insert could you potentially cut new slots closer together and make room for the zoom, but it would be a tighter fit for everything?

If any of the filters are 1.25" could you pack more than one filter in each filter box and save space there? When I'm packing 1.25" filters I take them 4 to a box in the standard baader filter boxes.

I've got a couple of cases very similar to the one you are considering, the dimensions of mine being about 530x410x210 including the external structure. They are certainly robust.

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I went with a deeper case with a smaller top surface area and put the EPs in vertically in circular holes in the foam. 

It looks and feels like you have downsized but actually there is room for more. Win win. 

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Eyepieces are hard to arrange. I have been trying for years to get my collection right but I am nowhere closer that I was 15 years ago. I try to ask myself "what do  I really use?" But this quickly devolves into "What do i want to use?". And then I start asking "What can I buy next?"

For DSOs for example, I only really need my Svbony 3-8 zoom, but then my ES 6.7 and ES 20 are too nice to ignore. And what about those nights when I want to go retro and use plossl-like eyepieices like my SLVs? I should buy more SLVs, and a nice turret to put them in.  And the gap between the ES 6.7 and 20 is a bit big, I should get the ES 11 too. SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!

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I ran out of space in my case some years ago so I now leave a couple of low power eyepieces attached to my grab and go scopes, which is useful if I need to use them quickly. My eyepieces are not as nice as yours though! 

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I've always stuck to the logic of going in tens and having a Barlow for everything in between so no real odd sizes. 30, 20, 10 good quality eyepieces and a powermate or two, covers everything. But you're never truly done so I've added an SVbony 3-8 too. Mine are also placed vertical so uses less area which is logical if your case is deep. Has room for two diagonals and filters and the odd adaptor or two too.

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I've got around 8 eyepiece cases (yes, I've lost track because some are loaned out to my grown daughter).  I recommend one big, deep case, so you can store long eyepieces vertically.  I also recommend a much smaller, shallower case for your smaller 1.25" eyepieces stored vertically.  Keep a widest field 1.25" eyepiece in the latter in case you don't feel like hauling out the big, heavy case as well.

Some of my big cases are well over 20 pounds now, and they're getting to be a challenge to lift out of the back of the coat closet, so I definitely don't recommend going too big unless you're young and burly.  I've got a bad shoulder and back, so I find myself not grabbing my A-team case as often as I used to.

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There’s no way I would ever need more than six eyepieces and a TV powermate, I made a promise to myself never to be stricken with eyepiece acquisition syndrome.

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I always try a downize of my collection, almost yearly.
After a short period I buy some of the same back and others, its hard being able to resist.
Somehow being someone who wishes to learn more, well I am a practical type of student, so you need the tools to learn.

I think the new case idea is great, I have tried this many times, but then again move on.

The funny thing is, most observing nights I actually use very few eyepieces.

Take from this ramble what you will.

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I bought a piece of Shadow foam then put my eyepieces in standing up not lay down  I have my filters in as well. Off the top of my head I have 15 eyepieces in, A set of coloured filters, a UHC a Oiii, Moon and light pollution filter in and its the standard flight case. I will dig out a picture later.

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1 hour ago, Alan White said:

I always try a downize of my collection, almost yearly.
After a short period I buy some of the same back and others, its hard being able to resist.
Somehow being someone who wishes to learn more, well I am a practical type of student, so you need the tools to learn.

I think the new case idea is great, I have tried this many times, but then again move on.

The funny thing is, most observing nights I actually use very few eyepieces.

Take from this ramble what you will.

I am with Al on this one...I think, though I seem to identify with every contributor in some way. I did finish up with three eyepiece cases full  and bought new foam to rearrange them when another eyepiece arrived, every few months.  I am sure it was a kind of therapy but it cost a fortune in foam blocks...I would buy three at a time.  I now have just one case Neil and seemed to have settled down having sold off a good number of eyepieces.  I do miss buying eyepieces though and still look at the ads daily....:grin:

Not very helpful I fear. Ed ( NGC 1502) is dead right, you're on your own........😂

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The CPC case that you mentioned looks very similar to, but bigger than, the Max Case MAX430 that I use for my eyepieces. I'd definitely recommend this type of case but wouldn't want one much larger than the MAX430.

I've lost count of the number of times I've changed the foam in my equipment cases to accommodate a new piece of kit that I hadn't previously anticipated buying!

I also keep multiple 1.25" filters in a single filter case, but I keep my filters in a different case from the eyepieces.


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I have come to the conclusion that there is something seriously wrong with you lot.

A simple solution presents itself. Buy a second identical case in which you put your zoom, barlow and diagonal. On future expansions you merely remove the diagonal and put it back in the telescope where it's always been. One challenge though, because you have bought two identical cases, neither of which you have marked in any way, you will always pick the wrong one first, so you learn to go by the weight of the cases, but as the new case fills up,  the weight becomes very similar so you are back to getting the wrong one each time. You point blank refuse to mark either case knowing you will choose the correct one next time. Doesn't happen to me though......

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I just have the one dedicated eyepiece case (Baader) with eight in all. This is all I need (ever? 😂).

I do have the Duratool DO3133 case for my diagonals, a finder, filters and a couple of illuminated reticle eyepieces. I am very happy with the quality.

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17 minutes ago, ST_Steve said:

I just have the one dedicated eyepiece case (Baader) with eight in all. This is all I need (ever? 😂).


Err.......we'll see.............:grin:

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You asked about case options Neil and though I do have just the one flight case, it is used only  for storage, I no longer take it out with me.  I bought these two Vixen cases from Franklin some while back and they are all I use now.  One case carries my Lunar and Planetary pairs and the other one holds my two zooms and two short focal length eyepieces for Double star observing.  I do have the two big widefields which have to live in the flight case at the moment until I locate another used Vixen case. If I do need them I can locate them in eyepiece holders attached to my pier.






Edited by Saganite
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I have 13 eyepieces (stored vertically in descending focal length with large Avery dots on top of each with the focal length marked on the label), collimation tools, filters, crosshair eyepiece for alignment, and  a light, and SQM, and a few other items

all in one Pelican 1550 case.  The only problem with having all that stuff in one case is that the case is over 30 lbs.  I have often thought about separating everything into 2 cases--I even own the cases--but it's so much easier to load just one case into the car

for travel to a dark site.  Putting as much as possible into each case or box when traveling makes for easier loading and unloading and takes up less space in the vehicle.

It's also more convenient in the field, because you know where everything is.

Still, it would be nice if I could weed a few out, but on my way down from 22 eyepieces, I got stalled. 😁

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I went for the fewer eyepieces option, rather to my own surprise 🙄

I don't have any 2 inchers now so, for the time being at least, I can fit my regularly used eyepieces in a single case. I've a 3-piece travel set in a separate smaller case.

My surprise is that I'm not missing the big eyepieces 🙂

I may get a 30mm UFF if one comes up both otherwise I'm happy with my 1.25 inch set.


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I am here drooling while looking at @Saganite duo of 22 & 17 Naglers 😂 Also thinking about that Vixen case, if I'm not mistaken I saw it in a Romanian on-line store once, looks very good for a grab&go selection.

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Thank you all for your excellent and often comedic replies 😂 I’ve never been keen on the idea of vertically storing my eyepieces but increasingly it looks like a really good option. I can fit more into the case. I have a DSLR bag with things like collimation tools that could potentially all be added to the case. I could also get LOADS more eyepieces in too 🤣

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