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Greetings from a soon-to-be Londoner


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Hi Everyone,

I'm thrilled to have agreed to a job offer in London. Thus ends a long chapter of my life in the US, opening to a new and hopefully fulfilling journey in the UK. My wife and I will make the move this summer, and we shan't (see, I'm already picking up the British vocabulary) be unaccompanied. Here are my friends who are coming along:



I look forward to spending more time on this forum now, weaning myself off of that other astronomy forum which I shan't name.

Thanks for letting me in,

The Kid

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Live away from New Cross.  I am in Bromley and it it still Bortle 8.  If you go as far as Sevenoaks area, especially place like Otford and Shoreham there are trains to New Cross from there, it will be much darker.  


Edited by carastro
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I used to live in Ladywell which was on the Hayes (Kent) to London line with trains stopping at New Cross.

Hayes is pretty close to Bromley, could be a good place to look. Beckenham too.

New Cross is also on the tube (was at the end of the line years ago, might not be now) but I don’t think getting there from anywhere else in London would be very quick.

If you wanted to live fairly nearby, Blackheath is a nice but expensive area. Greenwich may be too, not so sure nowadays though.

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19 hours ago, christiano said:

Hayes is pretty close to Bromley, could be a good place to look. Beckenham too.

Nice area to live in but will be Bortle 7/8

Edited by carastro
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  • 4 weeks later...

An update: We signed a contract to rent a lovely little flat in Greenwich. It's only  ~20-minute walk to work, and we think that living there will help us find our bearings as we begin a new chapter (it really feels like a new book) in life. I'd love to live in a less light-polluted area at some point... For now, I'm curious to see how my star hopping skills transfer to the city skies!

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It will be badly LP but give you time to find your feet.   If you don’t mind a drive my local astro group meets up in Otford for observing once a month.   Plus some of us go camping in Bortle 4 skies in East Sussex a couple of times a year.


Edited by carastro
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