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GRS Animation

neil phillips

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17 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Looks like some decent conditions for the planets while i was in Weymouth. A fine level of detail visible there Neil, always interesting to see the difference between images when viewing an animation.

I probably could make it a little more even. Perhaps one rainy night. Cheers Pete

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6 hours ago, MarkRadice said:

Gosh you had some good seeing. Have you derotated each frame in winjupos and put some more sharpening in? 

Hi Mark no i only derotate when i capture around 5 minuet captures. As i said i often do video de rotation only. As i prefer the technique. These were shorter captures. So i didn't bother with de rotation. 

I know image de rotation works well. But often I can get enough frames into a stack. where its not needed. The result is what your seeing.  I could do a 15 minute de rotation.  Maybe at some point i will try.

But even winjupos can smear on occasion.   And yes i have done sharpening on them. I look for noise. and get a balance between noise and sharpness. I often lean on the side of softness as i dont like noise. 

Single image here.



Edited by neil phillips
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5 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Single image here.

That's a cracking single image, how long was that run and how many frames?

5 hours ago, neil phillips said:

As i said i often do video de rotation only

I've never tried that Neil, so could you explain some more please, e.g. what is the processing sequence, which software, etc.?

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3 hours ago, geoflewis said:

That's a cracking single image, how long was that run and how many frames?

I've never tried that Neil, so could you explain some more please, e.g. what is the processing sequence, which software, etc.?

Hi Geoff you may find the answers completely at odds with what you have learned yourself. I would say its not wrong. But certainly a different approach. You mentioned  Bird saying 60fps is enough for the most part. I would say under great seeing. That actually might produce the best result. As less frames will be needed. Less frames stacked. less noise. But at my location. There will be certain moments of good seeing but also quite a bit of blur. As such it actually works to speed the camera up, capture as many frames quickly. And stack more noisier. Frames. So from memory.  I am fairly certain. I would have used 250 fps. At a exposure of 1/250secs. I am of the opinion that AS/3 Actually copes very well with rotation of Jupiter. Up to around the 2 minute mark. Tests have shown the smearing. and contrast loss is actually quite minimal. With only a slight contrast loss at the 3 min mark. De rotation can cure this. But is so minimal. Personally i find it useful perhaps for those rainy night processing runs. And not a busy week capturing.  As such I capture generally 3 min captures. And on average stack around 15 to 20.000 frames Sometimes as low as 7000. But thats a bad night. With the option of derotating the movies at any later stage. To de rotate i use winjupos. video de rotation. To stack AS/3 and to process image analyzer. I would say the 3 min capture could get a very slight benefit doing video de rotation. A slight increase of contrast. and possibly a slight de smearing. But as mentioned i would leave that perhaps for those nights of rain where i want to squeeze the last ounce of performance from the captures.

Edited by neil phillips
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