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I looked at the temperature in our garden at 1.59pm .  The thermometer is in the shade and it's 38.5 deg C,             102 deg F. Could get a bit warmer yet, what's it like with you?

We're more used to snow up here!



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Up here on the outskirts of Liverpool it's a very muggy 35°C. Humidity feels higher than yesterday and overall it's rather unpleasant.

I'm working from home in my loft and a sweaty mess! Luckily there aren't meetings today, so I'm free to roam in just swimming shorts...

I'm glad we're not in the 40°C zone!

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Of course, these are historical records of heat for you, from a weather app I see temperatures in Great Britain from 39 in London in the south to 30 in Edinburgh in Scotland: simply incredible! Here we are not better off, we boil and sweat like you, but for us it is chronic here. I really want a lot of mistral wind which, when it blows, makes you breathe decisively here in Cagliari and lowers the temperatures.

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My garden has a high south facing wall that radiates the heat of the sun straight back and with high sides on all sides the wind doesn't blow through. It got to nearly 43 degrees in the shade on the patio today.


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1 hour ago, paulastro said:

Looks like it'll be a bit chilly for  observing tonight - I'll need to put my thermals on 🙂.




As well as your thermal shorts Paul, remember the bobble hat 😉

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52 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

21c in Finland and was as low as 10 degrees just a few days ago. Looks like the heat is maybe coming back but not to the extremes the UK is seeing and will stay under 30. Very unusual summer for sure.

Well, with 21 C it's definitely good!




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It was actually a little cooler here today at a max noticed of 34.5 and a humidity of around 35%. Yesterday it got as high as 36.1, but with a humidity of 15% at that time. Either day was way too hot for me to even consider solar observing. Lucky in a way, because I was way too busy to do so anyway, so no need to make the decision.

I am seriously considering, ( again, ) a move to the Isle of Lewis or Shetland. :grin: ( Just a shame that it is very unlikely. )

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