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Surprising a old friend.


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I had wrote a list out for last night the planets obviously then double and multiple star's in Pegasus. 

My wife got a message off a old friend who came to our wedding asking about a camping kettle, well the wife invited her around she came round at 9.20pm just as I was setting up with the help from my son. 

So we sat outside in evening sky me polar aligning and then a two star alignment. The wife and our friend having a glass of wine. 

This is when our friend said wow you have some kit I've never looked through a telescope so my planned night went out the window and I preceded to give our friend a quick tour. 

Saturn adjusted the scope to the right height for our friend then said here you are have a look well the excitement coming from her was brilliant she asked what's that dot near it I said Titan it's largest moon she could not believe it. 

Jupiter this was similarly viewed with excitement and I was asked what those bands on the planet I said they are made up of gas either rising or falling made up of different chemicals. 

Then she said its got 4 moons I said there are more than that over 50 and Saturn has over 80. 

Neptune next could not believe that little blue dot was that far away and you can see it. 

Andromada just a cloud with a bright centre but a galaxy like ours none the less. 

The double cluster this was a wow kept looking at the part of the sky then looking through the scope finished off with NGC457 this was another wow said it looks like a man in the sky. 

Not the night I had planned but great company and seeing and hearing excitement in her voice was music to my ears. 



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Its always great to show others views through a telescope. I find The Moon and planets get the best reaction, followed by double stars and open clusters. I don't bother showing people faint fuzzies if they aren't really into astro, as I know it wont impress them a ton. Though telling them what they are looking at is quite fun. Great report!

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Great to be able to share your knowledge a little. There’s some super ‘firsts’ there for someone, I particularly like to show the Perseus double, a real favourite.

Edited by Stardaze
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Really good report.

I was out in our back garden with friends last night, and the skies cleared around 11:30. I'd had a few too many shandies for an extended session, but showed them Jupiter, Saturn, the moon and Messier 13 in the 8 inch dob and they were very appreciative. It's such a pleasure to share these views with people. The biggest response was to the moon which was showing very well last night- it's so rewarding when people literally gasp with wonder at the view.

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I hope others don't start reaction videos on this topic in YouTube 😂 .

Excellent report Paul . I love and absolutely agree with your last sentence -

"hearing excitement in her voice was music to my ears" .

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Lovely report Paul😊..

Your great enthusiasm ( and your friend's) shone through and provided me with a real boost after sitting under what seems like endless cloud from the North Sea for the past couple of weeks!👍


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