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Jupiter Saturn July 21st 22nd

neil phillips

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Clouds not been kind to me tonight. Had the best seeing ive seen since starting imaging again. But didnt get time to work at it, unfortunately.

Focusing and captures.

Grabbed a couple of Saturn runs. then clouds hit. So quickly tried to get on jupiter. spent all night chasing it between cloud gaps. managed 3 mins with a hurried wobbly focusing attempt, just before Jupiter hit the roof opposite. Its a shame what was good could have been amazing. But still probably my best to date. upwards and onwards 

A few different processes of Saturn. Subtle variations.  And a jupiter. All resampled. 

usual gear. 

Jupiter 22nd July 2021. 01:23 UT Saturn 21st July 2021 23:48 UT


july 21st.png

july 21st a.png

july 21st b.png

jupiter July 22nd.png

Edited by neil phillips
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These are really really impressive! Makes me realise that unlike Deep sky imaging with the gas giants it's not possible to get back a few days/months/years later on the same target. You basically get 10-15 minutes (I guess), after that even de-rotating will not help as the clouds on Jupiter move fast at this scale..

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1 minute ago, Nik271 said:

These are really really impressive! Makes me realise that unlike Deep sky imaging with the gas giants it's not possible to get back a few days/months/years later on the same target. You basically get 10-15 minutes (I guess), after that even de-rotating will not help as the clouds on Jupiter move fast at this scale..

Thanks Nik. Been working a lot on my imaging since the gas giants returned to the UK. Its starting to pay off. As i am improving my technique again i think.  we are not even at opposition yet.  Its surprising what the UK guys are getting this low. Its even surprising me. and ive been around the block a few times over the years. 

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5 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

Excellent Neil, Jupiter is very nice but your Saturn is gorgeous with the subtle colour variations on the globe, greens, turquoise, oranges, yellows...  could maybe stand a bit of a saturation boost?


5 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

Excellent Neil, Jupiter is very nice but your Saturn is gorgeous with the subtle colour variations on the globe, greens, turquoise, oranges, yellows...  could maybe stand a bit of a saturation boost?

Cheers Craig these chips are something else, best colour camera ive ever used by far. Better than the 224 in my opinion. I had to boost saturation a ton to get those kind of colours out Craig. Dont forget. i am only using 245mm optics. So the raw images are nothing like my processed versions. I think you can go too far with this kind of thing. But i think these look quite natural. I hope. Did you go out ?  seeing was excellent. But as mentioned the cloud threw me a curve ball. 

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6 minutes ago, skyhog said:

Those are very nice indeed.. I went out at 3am and I must admit the seeing seemed very good. Which is rare for me. I'm particularly impressed with your saturn images given its altitude. Well done. 

Many thanks skyhog. 

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3 hours ago, si@nite said:

Stunning captures Neil super detail your seeing was certainly better than we had here in the midlands for sure, i battled through low cloud to be honest!

Getting a lot of that low cloud here lately Simon. If the cloud hadnt have come over i feel it might have been somewhat better. Saturn was rushed. instinct made grab some runs quickly. Because i know whats its been doing to me lately. But of course focus was rushed.

I was right to do so. This saturn capture here ended with cloud. And then i was chasing cloud on jupiter for a hour after. just managing the run here at the end. looks cloudy here tonight i think. 

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11 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Very, VERY good Neil, lovely detail and colours on both planets. The Saturn is especially good considering the very low altitude still from the UK.

Might be my best lowest Saturn shot ever actually Pete. Good to see the old scope with new smaller Antares secondary performing well. A modification i am pleased i did. Cheers Pete 


Another earlier capture. Always worth experimenting, though i think the faster frame rate did better perhaps ? 

slower exposure

july 21st 60 fps.png e.png

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57 minutes ago, Trevor N said:

Stunning images Neil . A serious challenge and encouragement for others in the UK 👍

Thanks Trevor. Hoping to get a improvement when i  can get a ADC. After some research i am convinced thats where i should be going 

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8 hours ago, chiltonstar said:

Nice images Neil - I particularly like the Saturn with the fairly accurate rendering of Encke. This very hot weather is good for planetary imaging, less so for jogging maybe!


Many thanks Chris. Going in the right direction after the early stuff.

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5 hours ago, orion25 said:

Superb images, Neil! Lovely colorful Saturn! Wow! The GRS looks nice, too!

Cheers, Reggie :D

Cheers Reggie. Saturn is  one  of those planets where i think lots of colour works quite well.  Just start to get reasonable results. And low pressure hits the UK. Now need to get a ADC.

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3 hours ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Neil all I can say is fantastic images.


Much appreciated Mark.

Once again thanks everyone for the positive feedback. Blown away by the interest these images have created. A great community of amateur astronomers on this forum. Many of which i have considered as friends over many years.  Its good to be posting here again

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