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A Mars a day.....


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Well, two days running at least. With the Jetstream out of the way and clear skies again I put the 8” f8 out on the EQ platform to see what I could see with the additional aperture.

I used my Leica ASPH 8.9 to 17.8mm zoom and AP Barcon to give me between x180 and x360, a fabulous range for planetary observing.

At first the seeing wasn’t that good, but it got progressively better as Mars got higher, resulting in some really wonderful views. I started at 6.30pm, had a break for bath and bedtime for the short person, plus dinner and then observed from around 8.30 until nearly 11pm. Most of the time was spent on Mars, with the odd pan over to the Moon.

Starting out, Syrtis Major was on the North Eastern limb, and I watched it progress through the evening, ending up tight on the Western limb. It’s amazing to watch the planet rotate slowly before your eyes! The Southern Polar cap is tiny, but showed bright white, whilst there looked to be a bluish haze or frosting on the North Pole. Hellas Planitia was elusive to start off with, but as Mars got higher it became quite clear. I also though I detected some brightness to the west of Syrtis Major as it neared the limb, but not sure what that might have been, possibly cloud.

Then other major feature was the split between what I believe is Sinus Sabaeus and Mare Serpentis. I’ve attached two maps showing approximate start and end positions for my session.


I found my observing seat very useful for maintaining concentration, comfort and eye position; I did stand for a short while but found it much easier to maintain a steady eye position when seated. The EQ platform needed a slight speed tweak but after that it maintained position very well for long periods.

Overall then another really good session. The seeing varied a fair amount but was very good at times, and the detail visible at these times was very rewarding.





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Nice report Stu, that 8” F8 must be superb for planets. I was out last night with the 102EDR and binoviewers and observed many of the features you mentioned. I haven’t tried the 150PL yet on Mars so planning of giving it a go soon. 

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Good to see the 8" f8 in use Stu! There were some glorious views last night, weren't there? My 4" f13 was showing a lot of crisp detail at x200 and x240 as in your charts above. The white cloudy area over Chryse was still there I think?

A curious passer by + dog even admired the view.


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Lovely Stu, a few of us were enjoying the conditions last night, some really defined contrast between the regions were to be had, I was using a orange filter, really helped bring out the darker region of SM, which contrasted with Hellas nicely..  packed up at half 10, the dew had dropped, everything was getting a soaking/dripping wet...  must be because i live near a river that it's especially bad this time of year..  Some times the thermals from it spoil most things to the south..

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Another nice report Stu. I think the seeing last night was the best I have had during this Mars apparition. I used my 8 inch Dob on an equilateral platform and I found it much easier to tweak out the detail when tracking as opposed to following the planet using slo mo controls.

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5 hours ago, chiltonstar said:

Good to see the 8" f8 in use Stu! There were some glorious views last night, weren't there? My 4" f13 was showing a lot of crisp detail at x200 and x240 as in your charts above. The white cloudy area over Chryse was still there I think?

A curious passer by + dog even admired the view.


Thanks Chris, yes it’s always good to get out with it. Excellent views, and like others have said some of my best not only this apparition but probably the best I’ve seen full stop. A combination of Opposition, a good scope, decent conditions and experience I guess.

I don’t think I picked up the cloud over Chryse, must have a better look next time. It may have been an illusion but I thought I saw brightening on the limb as Syrtis Major got close to it?

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3 hours ago, laudropb said:

Another nice report Stu. I think the seeing last night was the best I have had during this Mars apparition. I used my 8 inch Dob on an equilateral platform and I found it much easier to tweak out the detail when tracking as opposed to following the planet using slo mo controls.

Thanks John. Sounds like we were both having the same sort of experience last night, 8” dobs on EQ platforms 👍👍. I find the platform really helps as you say, not having to nudge very often allows much better concentration and far fewer vibrations. I do need to tighten up the az axis on my scope though, I fitted a lazy Susan bearing and it’s is a little too free moving currently!

My only gripe with my scope is the lack of dual speed focuser. The single on there is very good, but I do like to be able to give it a fine tweak every now and then. I have a Feathertouch lying around, I just need to get an adaptor plate for it so I can fit it.

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3 hours ago, Fozzie said:

Lovely Stu, a few of us were enjoying the conditions last night, some really defined contrast between the regions were to be had, I was using a orange filter, really helped bring out the darker region of SM, which contrasted with Hellas nicely..  packed up at half 10, the dew had dropped, everything was getting a soaking/dripping wet...  must be because i live near a river that it's especially bad this time of year..  Some times the thermals from it spoil most things to the south..

Thanks Fozzie. I switched between unfiltered and filtered using a Baader Moon and Skyglow Neodymium. I like the colour of Mars you get with the filter, and it seems to boost the contrast a bit but as I’ve said elsewhere, when at or above x300 it can dim the detail a bit to the extent that some is lost. So, my preference changes depending on what magnification I’m using. It definitely reduces the diffraction spikes a bit too which is handy.

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Great report. I have considered getting or building an 8" F/8 Newtonian, but somehow could never fully justify such a bulky scope next to my C8. I would love to have a peak through such an instrument, to see what I have been missing. I have some clear skies heading this way, so I hope to have another bash at the red planet

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Great report Stu, thanks for posting. I'm hoping to get out to see Mars soon. Its been a challenging 7 months for me, but its reports like yours that keep me close to the action.

Many thanks


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Thanks for this report Stu.  I have been using the 90mm Mak., mainly because it is quick to set up to grab a gap in the clouds.   I have a good forecast for tonight, though and aim to get the Dob and platform out.


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15 hours ago, John said:

Great report Stu !!!

These post opposition views are some of the very best I've seen of Mars. An absolute treat :grin:

I'm still out there but it's getting cold now.

I agree John! Not sure if I missed anything by not getting up at silly o’clock before opposition but it is certainly looking good now. Scary how fast it shrinks though, so we need to make the most of it!

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Don't think you did miss much before. Last night was the best its been here since late September at least. Very steady and detailed views with more contrast too.

Very noticeable how much smaller its getting though so you're right. make the most of it.

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2 minutes ago, westmarch said:

I think the only thing that is less dramatic now is the polar ice, that was a big wow prior to opposition.  The detail now does compensate though.


Yes, that’s very true.

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3 hours ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

@Stuthat is a great report. I have been using the S&T moon mapper but the one you have listed is so much better. I have now bookmarked this website and will use it tonight with the 12" Dob - if it stays clear!!! 

Yes, I thought I'd give my 12 inch dob a chance on Mars tonight as well. The forecast has become a bit more patchy of late though.

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1 hour ago, John said:

Yes, I thought I'd give my 12 inch dob a chance on Mars tonight as well. The forecast has become a bit more patchy of late though.

Total cloud cover here in Hereford. I was really hoping to catch Mars tonight plus the SN but it looks highly unlikely. The next 7 days is showing cloud.

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8 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Total cloud cover here in Hereford. I was really hoping to catch Mars tonight plus the SN but it looks highly unlikely. The next 7 days is showing cloud.

Not quite total cover here but not looking good at all. Scope is out but I suspect will be coming in soon :rolleyes2:

The forecast for this week was good a couple of days back but there is a lot of pink showing on "Clear Outside" now.


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2 hours ago, John said:

Yes, I thought I'd give my 12 inch dob a chance on Mars tonight as well. The forecast has become a bit more patchy of late though.

I’ve gone the opposite way John, I have the ScopeTech 80mm f15 and my little Telementor out for a bit of fun. Views were underwhelming earlier on but I’ll try again when it’s higher, providing the cloud stays away.

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A yo-yo evening so far. Scope out - clear skies - clouded over - no breaks in sight - scope in - had supper - clear skies now - scope back out again and cooling, again :rolleyes2:

Glad the 12 inch dob is so easy to pop out and pop back in again. Hopefully I'll get some observing in due course.


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