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which constellation fascinates you the most and why ?

messier 111

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Hi all ,

which constellation fascinates you the most and why ?

for me .

summer = the Sagittarius and the scorpion, jewels so hidden in the surroundings.

autumn= Cassiopeia and Perseus  .

winter = Orion the master of all hunters .

spring = I haven't found it yet.


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My all time favorite is Orion. M42 was the first deep sky object I saw through a telescope, when I was little.

If I had to break it down in seasons:

Spring: haven't found anything yet. My mount and telescopes are not good enough for galaxy imaging, and unfortunately galaxies is all that Spring seems to be full of

Summer: Cygnus, Sagittarius and Scorpius

Autumn: Cassiopeia and Auriga

Winter: Orion and Monoceros

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Orion for me, every time.

There are just so many interesting objects to see, with naked eye, big scopes, small scopes, for everyone, however experienced or new to the hobby, whether visual only like me, or imaging enthusiasts.


Edited by F15Rules
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I guess everyone loves Orion so putting him to one side  (shift over big fella! and take yer dogs with you...), I particularly like seeing Scorpius. It's a limited view from ooop north but Antares is one of my favorite summer sightings along with the upper half of the constellation. No idea what the lower half looks like!!

I like to sweep the area with bins to see what I can pick out of the murk.  It would be a magnificent constellation to have overhead. 

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Orion is very impressive looming over the eastern horizon right now and of course is full of amazing sights- a striking and unmistakable constellation for sure. No love for Lyra though? I have a soft spot for Lyra being home to the double double and ring nebula- some of my first targets and not far to M13. Cass, the big dipper and Cygnus are important sign posts too. Scorpio? No idea what it looks like as my southern horizon is v poor most of the time but Antares is always a target- frustrating target but one day...


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Can't say I'm "fascinated" by any particular constellation but I do enjoy the drop down through Perseus, probably as with others, the first I took note of.  "Scorpio"?, fascinating if you're an astrologer I suppose.   🙂 

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Obviously it's nice to see Orion again at this time of year at approaching reasonable hours. I've lately taken to searching out and enjoying two of the little ones, Delphinus and Lacerta. I like the way the North end of Lacerta is like a miniature version of Cassiopeia.

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Lyra. It was the first constellation I searched when my scope arrived in lockdown in May. The double double, Stephenson 1, Sheliak and my first DSO, the ring nebula; all fantastic targets. 

Edited by IB20
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Pleiades for me. When I saw Halley's Comet as an 8yr old I was completely blown away and addicted to looking up at the stars. That little group together always fascinated me. It took a long time but now, finally, as a 42yr old, I can look at all these wonderful sights in the sky and photograph them. The fact that I can see anything from my Bortle 8 garden blows me away.



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2 minutes ago, Jamgood said:

Pleiades for me. When I saw Halley's Comet as an 8yr old I was completely blown away and addicted to looking up at the stars. That little group together always fascinated me. It took a long time but now, finally, as a 42yr old, I can look at all these wonderful sights in the sky and photograph them. The fact that I can see anything from my Bortle 8 garden blows me away.



beautiful, wow.

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5 minutes ago, messier 111 said:

beautiful, wow.

Thank you.  That's my favourite and probably best image yet. I've only been doing this since July but I've leaned a lot in a short period.  Having a telescope is something I've always wanted but just never got around to.  Life had other plans through the years. 

Edited by Jamgood
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On 02/11/2020 at 07:24, endlessky said:

My all time favorite is Orion. M42 was the first deep sky object I saw through a telescope, when I was little.

If I had to break it down in seasons:

Spring: haven't found anything yet. My mount and telescopes are not good enough for galaxy imaging, and unfortunately galaxies is all that Spring seems to be full of

Summer: Cygnus, Sagittarius and Scorpius

Autumn: Cassiopeia and Auriga

Winter: Orion and Monoceros

For Spring you forgot Hercules and his globular clusters!

That's as good a reason as any

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On 04/11/2020 at 00:41, IB20 said:

Lyra. It was the first constellation I searched when my scope arrived in lockdown in May. The double double, Stephenson 1, Sheliak and my first DSO, the ring nebula; all fantastic targets. 

And the best bit: not freezing your socks off

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I like seeing Ursa Major the most. I think it's partly because that is how I get my bearings and what I use to align my scope on. I love when I am on holiday and I look up at the night sky and see Ursa Major up there giving me a solid reference point. I think it also just looks majestic, maybe as I am so familiar with it. Plus I also love M81 & M82.I like seeing Ursa Major the most.

I think it's partly because that is how I get my bearings and what I use to align my scope on. I love when I am on holiday and I look up at the night sky and see Ursa Major up there giving me a solid reference point. I think it also just looks majestic, maybe as I am so familiar with it. Plus I also love M81 & M82.

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