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M42 + Horsehead deepfield


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Hi folks,

Another one from over the Christmas period. Wanted to have a go at pulling out the nebilosity between the HH and orion nebula.

Details: Borg 77EDII + Art11002 + Astronomik Ha (4x720s + 4x900s + 1x180s - Total 1hr 51min)

As always, comments and critic always welcome



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Deep Wide and Devastatingly Wonderful Eddie.

I know there is no up down or sideways in space, It's so big, I am turning my lappy every which way, to try and orientate it to a familiar position. :hello2:

I know the colour officionados want to see it that way, It's your decision, but it hits the spot just as it is in my book. I think I've been influenced by Rog. :laughing2:


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just in case you don't see this on that 'other' forum!!

OK my man, very well done but like a lot of things this raises more questions than it answers. As you may know I am interested in any results from the Artemis but in particular how they were arrived at.

You took 4 12m, 4 15m and 1 3m subs. How did you blend them? I am assuming that you did something in PS to get the benefit of the very dim background south of the horse. Did you use the 3m frame to overlay the bright bit of M42? What about dark frames – do you use them?

I have not seen this very dim nebulosity since I last looked at Rob Gendler’s Orion wide field, that shows it very well as you might expect but his was a long exposure, actually 20 hours using some big scopes.

I spent some time breaking my neck trying to see the running man but of course he doesn’t show up in Ha. Add in a couple of hours of blue to show him as well, that really would be a killer.

If I had any criticism it would be that it seems a bit too bright in the bright bits and the horse is very dark but I doubt I would complain if it was mine! If you ever find a way of getting rid of those multi diameter halos like the one around Alnitak let me know.

A very good picture, you absolutely must get the green and blue.


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That really is a stonker of an image Eddie - its amazing how deep that setup of yours goes - and how widefield it is!

I think the comment about getting colour would be great - do you plan to take OIII and SII frames as well, or just leave it black and white?



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