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Hi, I'm Wayne, a Yorkshireman who moved to Scotland in 2006.

IT Manager by day, I've had many interests over the years, only a few of which have endured. 

I've had an on/off interest in the universe at large as long as I can remember and have recently decided to get a bit more serious about it.  To that end I'm planning to take a degree in Astronomy and Planetary Sciences but given I've had no formal education for over 30 years I've started some basic studies to get my brain back in gear.

Very new to practical Astronomy I've just bought my first scope, a Celestron 130EQ, to do a bit of back yard viewing while in lock down.

Great to see so much content and hope to be adding to it really soon.


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Hi Wayne, it's great to see you getting started in astronomy, esp. jumping in at the deep end with your studies, however, I think your telescope will teach you the most about the universe (seeing is believing) just look at the Moon, an amazing piece of rock through a telescope. 

Download some planetarium software called Stellarium, it will tell you what's in the night sky, it is also free, found here: http://stellarium.org/

Clear skies!

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@rwilkey thanks for the tip. I'm using stellarium already as part of my course. Great piece for software. I'm also hoping to get  few photos with an old M4/3 camera when I get going so I've also downloaded starstax for stacking images. I'll post the results.

I've been using and old pair of binos up to now and it felt like the time to progress.

All tips welcome😀

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