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3D printed Astro items board.


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Do we have a board or thread that shows what people have printed off and that actually works? If not can we have one?

I’ve had a delta printer for nearly a year, and have yet to find something that I would print knowing it would actually work, and work well!

if those that have printed off items and found them useful, then placing pictures of their results could give encouragement to the likes of me to print our own. I’ve had a good look on Thingiverse but have not come across something that stands out as a must do project, a lack of after use feedback is slowing me up.



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There isn't a specific board or thread, but we've been posting things as we've made them, usually in the DIY Astronomer board here https://stargazerslounge.com/forum/18-diy-astronomer/

Is there something in particular that you wanted to print? It's possible that someone may already know of a good printable for a particular project, or you could design your own thing

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Well that would be the point of a specific board for 3D printing. Topics uploaded from those that have printed and or designed items to fit certain needs.

There are producers of various items such as dust caps, masks etc, but ideas for something that would probably cost a kidney if made  with cnc metals.

The diy board would take some looking through, and the search doesn’t always bring up projects that I select.

Im not after an exact item at this moment, but would be interested in a list of printed items with findings in there use.

As I have mentioned, the listed items on Thingiverse is not must do projects, nor am I a designer, but I would like to eventually give my delta printer a task.



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I think this is a good idea, I'm currently designing a 3d printed eyepiece holder specifically for the Vixen APP-TL130 tripod and which others might like to use. I've got other accessory ideas for my Tak that if viable I'll also be happy to share.

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  • 1 month later...

I would certainly be interested in a 3d Printing Board. What is needed to make it happen? More upvotes?

I've recently got a 3d printer, and trying to trawl through Thingiverse is painful, and personal recommendations from SGL-ers would be a massive plus.

(I'd also love to see what Gina has done, given some of her work  I've seen so far ) 


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A number of my 3D printed items are covered in my Blogs but not all are up-to-date and others are still only in threads where they tend to get lost.

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But yes, I would certainly support a 3D printing forum.  I think it would be good to have somewhere where all 3D printed items could be collected together rather than scattered all over SGL in numerous threads and Blogs.  I'll add my vote for such a forum if Admin are looking.

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Another vote here for a 3D printing board.

I have made quite a few astro items and posted files. Some have been downloaded by members.

Though the threads have got lost in the general posting.

It would be really good to have an astro items resource instead of having to sort through all the useless pen holders and everything else on thingiverse and other places.

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If there were any designs that you want to copy it would simply be a matter of using the STL file in a slicer then 3D printer.  I would be happy to publish the STL files and I expect others would.

Edit :- Added "a slicer then".

Edited by Gina
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I did find a really useful 'collar' posted by @Stub Mandrel that can be found on his website called a Lifting Weight Bush, which basically fills the gap between the counterweight hole and the (normally) much smaller counterweight bar, centering the weight.  I had to search all boards for 'stl' and sift through a number of false hits before I found this... (I was looking for any astronomy STLs rather than these specifically)

Although, thinking about it, I don't think that everyone would *have* to post the actual stl files on an SGL 3D Printer board - if they preferred, a description and a link to a website where the managed version is stored would be just as useful - possibly more so. (As is perhaps the case for Stub's files, which are already stored at http://www.stubmandrel.co.uk/astronomy/177-lifting-weight-adaptors-for-telescope-mounts)

If 'other' astronomy forums don't have a 3D-Printing board already, SGL may even become the de facto place to look for everyone 😉 

Hopefully we can see the new board idea discussed soon...



Edited by adyj1
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Totally up for the idea, thingyverse I have tried a few items,, 😁 and its been hit and a miss,, I've made my own  glow in dark pla cable clips for my heq5,, would be a lot of sense to have a place we could trust to get decent astronomy printed files and pictures of them 

Edited by shirva
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I raised this topic a few months ago, but nothing came of it, but I hope it does come to fruition, as I have lots of parts, that I've designed & printed (currently printing a 'nose-piece' for a PST), that may be of no use to others, but may give them an idea on what to design & print...

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So what do we think? Post our STL files to existing 3D respositories such as Thingiverse, Youmagine and like, and then just link into them into a thread on here? (for those that don't already have a satisfactory web location to use)


( I'm keen to keep this thread going... 😉 )

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Some STL files can be pretty big so storing them elsewhere and linking from here would be best.  I guess smaller files encapsulated in a ZIP archive would be alright posted here.

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I think it’s beginning to take momentum, what we need now is the mods to respond to our request for a separate board, I’ve no idea how we go about that!

mods? Pleeeease!



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Yep - I'd certainly be interested, I've not made anything earth shaking but a few 'daft' things like spacers that are bolted on the dovetail to speed up putting the scope on in the right balance point, ditto for counter weight position.  I have also scaled other users masks for my finderscope which worked well.. so plenty out there (my current interest would be something to facilitate the park position location other than a couple of sharpie lines on the mount :) )


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Me too! I love reading about Gina's work and would like to try a few ideas of my own. I could probably afford to build a giant printer but couldn't afford the accessories required - like the divorce when my wife saw it! 😁😁



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