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Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral not full Eclipse) - Jan 10th


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Just a reminder that we have a Lunar Eclipse on the 10th Jan. Details below. Fingers crossed on the weather!

Regards Rob


Edited by Rob
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Thanks for the heads up about this event :thumbright:

Simulating this in Stellarium makes it look rather unspectacular - penumbral eclipses cause more of a slight darkening of the surface than the "blood red" effect don't they ?


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They do indeed John. We may get a slim pasty salmon as the light spectrum is effected, but definitely no like a full Lunar Eclipse!.  That said I see it as kicking off Astronomy for 2020 for me.


Reference Info and video : https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2020-january-10

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19 minutes ago, John said:

Thanks for the heads up about this event :thumbright:

Simulating this in Stellarium makes it look rather unspectacular - penumbral eclipses cause more of a slight darkening of the surface than the "blood red" effect don't they ?


Yes, that sound right John. Might actually be hard to notice without careful observation.

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4 hours ago, Fozzie said:

...Thanks for the heads up, I agree perfect way to kick start 2020 asto..

Assuming that Betelgeuse does not go supernova before the 10th of course !

Even that would probably be clouded out with the weather that we have had lately :rolleyes2:

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I'm wondering if we may see a very slight 'dusting' of the edge of the moons limb at max eclipse ? (19:10hrs) It passes pretty close to the Umbral shadow at that time.

Maybe.....maybe not......? 🤔

I'll have the DSLR ready in any case ; you never know.

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I rather like penumbral eclipses,  though some people are a bit sniffy about them.  They are a good visual reminder of the dynamic nature of the solar system to me. I find the penumbral phase, quite easy to see, especially as it progresses.  Binocs certainly show the changing light on the full Moon as the shadow crosses the various features, especially if you're used to looking at un-eclipsed Moon at full.  It's easy to pick up using a DSLR or similar.  In the digital age it's easy to just adjust the exposure until it becomes visible.

Here in West Yorkshire it had just recently clouded over mostly, but I'm still fiarly optimistic about catching a view or two in the fours hours it's in eclipse.  After all, a bright Moon will often show through on occasion, even on the cloudiest of nights.  It's just a matter of being committed to keep a look out - if you don't, you may miss it when it does pop out.   After all, if you don't buy a ticket, you're not going to win the raffle 😃

Good luck everyone.


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I stand corrected, thanks Paul. I wasnt going to bother, but skies are clear enough so I popped the trusty 72mm out on the Vixen GP and it is quite obvious with careful observation. Brighter at the top right when it is not in the penumbra, shaded in the bottom left towards the umbral area. That's in a left right reversed image of course. Caught this with the smartphone, have more so will see if any others are better.

Thanks for the original heads up, @Rob I think. 👍👍

Tee hee, just caught the auto correct which turned umbral into umbrellas !!


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12 hours ago, Stu said:

I stand corrected, thanks Paul. I wasnt going to bother, but skies are clear enough so I popped the trusty 72mm out on the Vixen GP and it is quite obvious with careful observation. Brighter at the top right when it is not in the penumbra, shaded in the bottom left towards the umbral area. That's in a left right reversed image of course. Caught this with the smartphone, have more so will see if any others are better.

Thanks for the original heads up, @Rob I think. 👍👍

Tee hee, just caught the auto correct which turned umbral into umbrellas !!


@Stu Nice image there. It was indeed subtle, however I had been blessed with decent skies also... rather enjoyed it too!

Best Rob

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1 hour ago, Ouroboros said:

It was indeed 'subtle' to look at by eye. 

I agree, definitely subtle to see and anyone not knowing what they were looking for wouldn't see it, however, I was pleased to observe it and once pointed out, my wife also clearly saw the slight dimming.

Edited by geoflewis
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Nice pics from Stu.

Just one question. Whats a clear sky?

I ventured out several times to take a look. There was not one time that I could see the moon in a clear sky to be able to ascertain the dimming - let alone any darker regions.

The few times I saw a full disc, it was definitely not full moon brightness. But given the absence of stars I could not in all honesty claim the dimming was an eclipse.

I will though believe it happened! Thanks for posting the reports and I'm pleased that some saw it.


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1 hour ago, Carbon Brush said:

Nice pics from Stu.

Just one question. Whats a clear sky?

I ventured out several times to take a look. There was not one time that I could see the moon in a clear sky to be able to ascertain the dimming - let alone any darker regions.

The few times I saw a full disc, it was definitely not full moon brightness. But given the absence of stars I could not in all honesty claim the dimming was an eclipse.

I will though believe it happened! Thanks for posting the reports and I'm pleased that some saw it.


I know what you mean! Much of the time I had high thin cloud, although for some time at least it was clear but still hazy around the bright moon. Good enough to see it, though it possibly knocked back the bright, uneclipsed part at fullest eclipse making it a little less obvious. Still, I managed to see it so can't complain. I seem to have rediscovered my 72mm and am using it for the very purpose I bought it; quick sessions which need very little setup of pack down time.

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I had sight of the moon naked eye from time to time through the evening. For most of the time I couldn't tell if anything different was happening due to thin cloud coming and going but I thought after a while that the bottom half and bottom right in particular looked slightly darker to me.

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Did manage to get myself out, in between feeding and bathing the kids.. and the clouds.. managed 5 single subs at 1/250 & iso100 with the 300mm f5.6 on crop sensor...  totally cloudy by just after 7 though, and not another glimps for the duration.. 

Still see some shadow, although the last has more cloud than shadow I think.. left to right in order and top to bottom.. 




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20 hours ago, Stu said:

I stand corrected, thanks Paul. I wasnt going to bother, but skies are clear enough so I popped the trusty 72mm out on the Vixen GP and it is quite obvious with careful observation. Brighter at the top right when it is not in the penumbra, shaded in the bottom left towards the umbral area. That's in a left right reversed image of course. Caught this with the smartphone, have more so will see if any others are better.

Thanks for the original heads up, @Rob I think. 👍👍

Tee hee, just caught the auto correct which turned umbral into umbrellas !!


Well done Stu.  I'm pleased you had  a good view, and pics!!  It's funny, after me saying how easy it was to see, on this occasion it really wasn't obvious at all, visually you could be forgiven for not noticing it if you didn't know it was happening.  Likewise my pics didn't show it to any extent.  Mind you, I saw what I saw and I only did minimalist processing to get the pictures as it actually looked.  Sky conditions played a part of course.  Still enjoyed it though, it was what it was and it was good fun.

Here's a link to my obs I put on Lunar Imaging:

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46 minutes ago, Fozzie said:

Did manage to get myself out, in between feeding and bathing the kids.. and the clouds.. managed 5 single subs at 1/250 & iso100 with the 300mm f5.6 on crop sensor...  totally cloudy by just after 7 though, and not another glimps for the duration.. 

Still see some shadow, although the last has more cloud than shadow I think.. left to right in order and top to bottom.. 




Well done Fozzie, sounds as if you we were interrupted by the same cloud as me.  Not surprising really as we are near-neighbours :)

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2 hours ago, paulastro said:

Well done Fozzie, sounds as if you we were interrupted by the same cloud as me.  Not surprising really as we are near-neighbours :)

Wasn't expecting to catch anythi g if with the forecast, so pleased with anything tbh.. seems like constant cloud in our neck of the woods for so long.. although I read you've managed quite a consecutive run.. nicely done!

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