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Lucky to have seen some of the event.  Out from before the eclipse started until 8.30 with a few breaks.   In my location, I picked up the Moon when it first cleared some haze at 5.10 and watched it in reasonable, but not great, conditions until 6.04 continuously, with a little hazy cloud at times.  After this it remained mostly cloudy, though I had a view for five minutes or so through cloud at 7.40.  After that I only saw the glow it was making through the cloud occasionally.  Still, delighted to have seen anything at all.

As well as taking pics though the SW 80ED on an AZ5 and with the Olympus E-M5 Mk11 I observed with my Nikon 10x50 binoculars.  At times I thought I could see the extent of the shadow, though it really just looked duller in the eclipsed portion than it would on a usual full Moon.  In the picture below (a colour and mono version of the same frame) according to Sly Safari 6 Pro the portion in eclipse was below a little to the north of Aristarchus that went diagonally just about through the centre of the Moon to  the opposite side, bottom right.  Of course the line is slightly curved and isn't straight.  I only did minimum processing to reproduced what it actually looked like in my binoculars, and the coloured version is pretty much what it looked like to my eyes.  The eclipsed portion certainly didn't look at all obvious as it does in some pictures others have taken.  The whole Moon in fact looked more subdued than the full Moon usually looks.

Delighted also just to get my 14th day in a row managing to obtain a pic of the Moon, going back to Dec 28th.

The picture is a single frame taken at 5.57 pm, 1/640 at 400 asa. 





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Good stuff Paul. It was pretty subtle, really it was only at fullest extent when one edge was uneclipsed and the other was on the edge of the umbra that it looked obvious. That was at 7.10pm when you were clouded out I guess?

Nice shots anyway, and good to continue your run!

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