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Galloway Autumn Star Camp 2020


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It was great to meet you both. I am so glad you have both enjoyed the experience here at Drumroamin. We would be pleased to see you both back here anytime. Get booked in soon as places are being taken very quickly. Remember only 25 pitches in total allowed due to the Covid-19 problems.


Edited by Physopto
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Jyst on with a bit of breakfast before the last of the packing and journey home. 

Always disappointing dropping the tent but I've beat the inclement weather that is set to roll in later today.

Overall 3 out if the 6 nights the scope saw starlight and racked up several more targets. I will wrote a report later but the 4+ hours home will no doubt delay that.

Great to see the regulars and good to see new faces. Safe onward journey to all travelling home today and looking forward to the spring event. 

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2 hours ago, wackyscot said:

Google Pixel 4 phone picture in Astrophotography mode. Taken at Galloway.



As Derek said very impressive.  I suspect this was about 1am. What exposure was required and did you have to do anything special to stop star trailing?




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Back home and majority of things put away.

This weekend has shown that even in these strange times we can still have a great star party. Yes, it was different in some respects but still a great time was had by all. Met some new people who I hope to see at future camps and had a yarn with familiar faces.

Thanks to Leslie and Ralf for hosting us and maintaining a fantastic campsite.

Thanks also to Derek For his organising 👍

Looking forward to the next one.

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Both myself and Ray Baird enjoyed the star camp down at New Galloway.

Very little light pollution, nice and quiet camping site and mostly clear skies, etc. It allowed us to literally see what my 8" Dobsonian was capable of. 😊

An added bonus was no neds, no junkies, no noisy neighbours, no boy racers with loud stereos and even louder exploding exhausts...

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1 hour ago, AndyKeogh said:

As Derek said very impressive.  I suspect this was about 1am. What exposure was required and did you have to do anything special to stop star trailing?




Hi Andy, this phone has Astrophotography Mode. You stick it on a tripod, it takes 15 second exposures, over 4 minutes and stacks them on the phone. That's it, point and shoot.

Edited by wackyscot
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Arrived home in just over 4 hours. Very good journey and really quiet.

Cars more or less unpacked and most of the kit is away. 

Excellent time and great to see everyone. Looking forward to the spring bash.


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Hi all that's us back home and all unpacked, another great star camp it was good to see old and new faces, and sad that a few of the regulars couldn't make it, there's always the spring one to look to. Hope you are all keeping well, and stay safe out there. Again a big thanks to all who attended for making it another memorable star camp.

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Only three of us left on the field now John in his bivy, Jim and Denise in the motorhome and me and Annette in the static. Feels sad to see the end of a really nice Star Camp. Even as it has been very different to the regular Star Camps, it still is a shame when  everyone leaves and it comes  to the end. As has been said, nice to see new faces and great to meet up with old ones once again.

I hope everyone who has attended feels it was worthwhile to take the plunge and get here for a very different  few days. We did well with no rain and  very light winds most of the time. The sky played ball and there were a few very clear nights.

Looking forwards to the March camp.


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Left at 11am..home for 3:30pm...fantastic to see you all again, one good night out of three suits me...thanks to Lesley, Derek and the two super athletes who showed a turn of pace walking back the pub on Saturday afternoon...see you in March, take care everyone...Calv.

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Well folks, a stranger checking in, i enjoyed my quick visit to you on Saturday afternoon. nice to see some old acquaintances, and some new peeps that attend now, stirred something inside tbh, think i may call in next year, even stay a couple of nights work permitting, good to see my baby going strong and growing up.  cheers steve. 

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40 minutes ago, dweebostar said:

Well folks, a stranger checking in, i enjoyed my quick visit to you on Saturday afternoon. nice to see some old acquaintances, and some new peeps that attend now, stirred something inside tbh, think i may call in next year, even stay a couple of nights work permitting, good to see my baby going strong and growing up.  cheers steve. 

Was good to see you Steve, reminiscing about Jura, and the time you left our tent sideways. A memory not to be forgotten. One of those classic moments in time :) Hopefully see you next year for a good catch up and a small sherry ;)


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1 hour ago, Uplooker said:

Are you guys on tour?


Methinks WAAAY PAAAAAST Aperture fever!!!


Dobs seem to bring oot tha worst in star gazzzzers! OR is it tooooo many kneeling prayers in da cathedral?

Anyway Damo looks Pi"£$%



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All  jokes to one side, we are now here on our own as John, Jim and Denise have gone back home. The site is taking fair bit rain. Contant cloud cover and showers.

So to be fair I think we did really well.  We got the best of the weather.


I have now preplanned the 2022 Star Camp dates and agreed this all with Lesley so that there are no clashes with school holidays or other bookings. The 2022 dates have caused a few problems due to trying to fit in a weekend along  with a couple of days before the New Moon.

I will post the dates very shortly after rechecking all the new moon dates and  one or two other things.



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21 minutes ago, Physopto said:

All  jokes to one side, we are now here on our own as John, Jim and Denise have gone back home. The site is taking fair bit rain. Contant cloud cover and showers.

So to be fair I think we did really well.  We got the best of the weather.

I have now preplanned the 2022 Star Camp dates and agreed this all with Lesley so that there are no clashes with school holidays or other bookings. The 2022 dates have caused a few problems due to trying to fit in a weekend along  with a couple of days before the New Moon.

I will post the dates very shortly after rechecking all the new moon dates and  one or two other things.


You certainly did get the best of the weather, Derek.  Well done for all your excellent organisation - diary at the ready for 2022!  Did you get to fly your drone? The only clear night here (Hexham) was Monday (sadly I couldn't stay up - had an appointment early next morning) otherwise cloudy all week,  and more of the same this week 🙄

But well done everybody - super images from Drumroamin.  Hope to  join you in March - pray for a vaccine!



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14 minutes ago, petevasey said:

You certainly did get the best of the weather, Derek.  Well done for all your excellent organisation - diary at the ready for 2022!  Did you get to fly your drone? The only clear night here (Hexham) was Monday (sadly I couldn't stay up - had an appointment early next morning) otherwise cloudy all week,  and more of the same this week 🙄

But well done everybody - super images from Drumroamin.  Hope to  join you in March - pray for a vaccine!



Hi Peter,

I arrived on the Saturday before the start of the camp, but was too tired and not too well. Just had a flu jab and for once it affected me. Apparently that night was clear as a bell.  The next few nights were not conducive to  imaging. I tried to polar align several times, but there was persistent cloud just over Polaris. The rest of the sky was fairly clear😡. Wednesday and Thursday were really clear. I went for the rosette nebula.  Got some data to add to past subs. In all I think we had 4 decent  nights. I can't complain at all. I can't say it was crystal all the time, but a very nice break from some past Star Camps where it has rained or clouded out repeatedly.

Yes I did fly the drone eventually. Since the beginning of the Covid lockdown I have not touched it for many months. Took a while to get the old noggin in gear. I will look at the footage when I get back home.

A lot of the lads and lasses, got some hopefully decent images and good visual time.

What more can you ask for😃

Get your pitch booked asap as spaces are being taken very quickly. I think we are more than over half booked already. The next autumn is filling just as quickly.

Keep well,


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27 minutes ago, Physopto said:

Hi Peter,

I arrived on the Saturday before the start of the camp, but was too tired and not too well. Just had a flu jab and for once it affected me. Apparently that night was clear as a bell.  The next few nights were not conducive to  imaging. I tried to polar align several times, but there was persistent cloud just over Polaris. The rest of the sky was fairly clear😡. Wednesday and Thursday were really clear. I went for the rosette nebula.  Got some data to add to past subs. In all I think we had 4 decent  nights. I can't complain at all. I can't say it was crystal all the time, but a very nice break from some past Star Camps where it has rained or clouded out repeatedly.

Yes I did fly the drone eventually. Since the beginning of the Covid lockdown I have not touched it for many months. Took a while to get the old noggin in gear. I will look at the footage when I get back home.

A lot of the lads and lasses, got some hopefully decent images and good visual time.

What more can you ask for😃

Get your pitch booked asap as spaces are being taken very quickly. I think we are more than over half booked already. The next autumn is filling just as quickly.

Keep well,


Hi, Derek,

Indeed, I am already booked for both next March and November,  I should have a small caravan by then, so be well set even if it rains!  If the rules have relaxed a bit I'll have a friend with me, Paul Jenkins from South Shields society.  Living surrounded by open country I get my drone out a fair bit although (don't tell the CAA!) I occasionally fly FPV (my eyesight ain't so good these days - waiting for cataract operations).  But this Youtube offering is completely legal 😇   The A3 does a very good 'follow me'!



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