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The good old days


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What with the terrible weather, short days and solar minimum, just for fun I've been looking back at 2014 when things were a bit more exciting.

Here's a few images from around that time.

Just to cheer us all up it would be great to see some of your images from around the solar maximum.







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2 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

That’s unreal!  I only bought my solar scope in 2017, and have thought about selling it on several occasions. However if I can expect views like that in the next 5 years I’ll keep it!

Yep things do get a lot better, stick with it. :thumbright:

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2 hours ago, Paul M said:

I read somewhere, may have been SGL, that the next solar maximum is expected to be week followed by an Maunder Minimum style period

Aye, the predictions are certainly pointing in that direction. NASA published a report suggesting that the next 11 year cycle, namely, Cycle 25 "will be the weakest of the last 200 years. The maximum of this next cycle – measured in terms of sunspot number....could be 30 to 50% lower than the most recent one. The results show that the next cycle will start in 2020 and reach its maximum in 2025."

Solar Cycle Science run by what appears to be two very competent astrophysicists also forecast a relatively weak cycle comparable to cycle 24 from which we're almost ending.


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Yes not looking good for the next cycle. 😢.

”We will start seeing the new sunspots of Cycle 25 appear sometime in late-2019. Sunspot maximum is likely to occur in 2024, with most forecasts predicting about half as many sunspots as in Cycle 24.”

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Looking on the bright side, the way amateur equipment is going it won't be long before y'all are posting images and sketches of Betelgeuse Spots!

No spots visible in this old image but the corona and some other "features" are clearly visible! 🤣

 Image result for beetlejuice

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yes those where the days, as dust grows on my solarscope I wish for a clear day and when it arrives theres nothing happening well at least it carnt get any worse can it ?

great pics above guy heres one from 2018. charl


Edited by xtreemchaos
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1 hour ago, xtreemchaos said:

heres one from 2018. charl

Excellent image :thumbright: Charl.

From now on Sol is getting more active as the months go by, keep the faith :icon_santa:

Edited by Debo
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