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Not off to a good start

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Hi everyone, I am Neil i am a bit late getting into this hobby  58 years old , first mistake buying a used Celestron powerseeker 114e.g.

It was listed as new not used on eBay, well when I got it found small bent in the side of the tube the 4mm eyepiece missing i think the dent came from the weight were all parts were thrown in the box 

So I cleaned mirrors 're aligned them rebuilt the e.g. Mount so it was the right way round and not upside down even the spotter scope mount was back to front . I now hope it's back to a working telescope why do people abuse things  it's with a loving owner now 

Do you guys know we're there is a good site i can download star charts  etc 

Kind regards Neil

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Hi Neil.

Welcome to SGL. The best astronomy forum.

Age is no barrier to astronomy. Enjoy the learning journey. You will finds lots of helpful people on the forum.
+1 for 'Turn Left At Orion'. My copy (some years back) was money very well spend.

Are you happy with state of your scope now you have straightened it out?
I'm sure if you ask, you will find someone local to you who would be happy to check it over.


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Thanks guys and Gals i will sort that software out . I am lucky I have a static caravan next to a fishing lake so at night it's really dark no lights within 3 miles  so the telescope will live there in the summer and at Home in the winter 

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Hi Neil

Welcome from Land Down Under

Agree with SkySafari

There is a few other useful Apps as well

HeavenAbove has a lot of useful information

Also ISS Detector for Android devices, gives prediction when ISS is flyover your location

Good to see you now have your scope sorted


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Thanks for the warm welcome i now have star safari on my phone and stellarium on my pc new 4mm eyepiece comes today but weather is not good 

I still need to set up spotter scope to line up with telescope but need a long distance fixed target i read it needs to be about 800 metres

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Neil heres my thought 

Sounds like it was a cheaper 114 on a eq1

Depends what u paid for it . Sounds like it came with 5x24 finder and hygens eps. Hopfully not 0.965 focuser. 

If so and I just noticed on another post the eq1 is bit stiff y not sell get what u put into it and just buy another 114 or maybe upgrade to 130 on eq2?

I have seen where people like u buy the time u upgrade to a better finder eps u could just get something better.

Not to mention eq1 is the smallest mount.


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I was trying to buy a 130 astromaster  but seller didn't want to talk to me any way he didn't sell it so relisted 

I think this one will do for now and I will get a better one once I know more about this hobby 

I scared the wife when she saw some at £5000

When I get it set up next i will take some photos so you can see what I have 

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ok u may need to upgrade the finderscope if its 5x24 finder they are basically garbage the only thing it will be ok on is the moon for anything else it will just frustrate you and you wont find anything. A red dot finder scope will be ok, there are better BUT I don't think you should spend too much on this scope for now just enough where it will show you stuff.

Next upgrade the eps, I have a felling its the hygens eps if so they are garbage too, they are a 2 element 25 degree fov. Even getting to plossl will do wonders. U can find these used for 20 each maybe get 3 like a 25, 15 and 10mm but also depends on your focal length of your scope, since it can be the short tube 114 or the long tube. If its the short u may also need a decent 2x barlow.

this will get you going for now. BUT as I said even this 3x ep a barlow and finder scope may be more then the scope itself, u sometimes can find a scope with all these regular stuff for cheaper then upgrading but that's just my opionion.


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On 24/11/2019 at 20:02, Neil H said:

Thanks guys and Gals i will sort that software out . I am lucky I have a static caravan next to a fishing lake so at night it's really dark no lights within 3 miles  so the telescope will live there in the summer and at Home in the winter 

Sounds great! ;)

I have several apps, and Sky Safari is particularly user friendly imho.

Another vote for Turn Left At Orion - a really nicely done book - well worth it.

All the best,


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as others have said, a red dot finder isn't expensive and if you shop carefully you may find one that'll fit the same base as the supplied finder which makes things simpler. Once aligned with the main scope easy enough to use too. Worth checking out astroboot as they often have them and eyepieces at good prices and may have one to suit your scope.

For eyepieces, I bought this set for the little NatGeo 76/350 and they're not bad esp for the price, and much better than the ones it came with, tho do check if they'd suit yours. Be aware too, non-standard filter thread so may be limiting if you buy others later on. 


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I have the Meade version, just like your own...


The eyepieces and barlow that came with it are terrible, but I have other eyepieces.  The telescope is quite capable, the EQ-1 mount not so much as the telescope is rather large and long.  You can switch to an alt-azimuth mode, for perhaps greater stability and ease-of-use, and simply by throwing the RA-axis all the way back to 90°...


That's the CG-2(EQ-1) mount from my Celestron "PowerSeeker" 127EQ kit.  The legs should not be extended, and for improved stability.

Given the ample focal-length of the telescope, at 900mm, you may want to consider a 32mm Plossl, for your lowest power and widest view of the sky, for the hunt.  For example...

https://www.365astronomy.com/32mm-GSO-Plossl-Eyepiece.html (28x)

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