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Webb society galaxy of the month - observed


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The August galaxy of the month (the 100th one actually) from the Webb Society is NGC 7042 in Pegasus.


So I thought, better get that new 20 inch dob out and try it. The sky was a bit milky and there was a lot of high cloud around but that was not going to stop me!

Well I found NGC 7042 fairly easily. You can tell its a spiral as it has that characteristic low surface brightness glow across its entire face. It sits next to a triangle of stars. I then worked hard to see if I could see NGC 7043. I could not see it last time I tried when I had a 14 inch scope. Well this time I got it just! Very faint even with averted vision but definitely there. I managed to see stars to mag 14.9 despite the poor skies.

Here is my observation:


I also had a look at a few more galaxies on my target list, IC 1473 in Pegasus (within a triangle of stars) and IC1550 in Andromeda. That brings my total galaxies observed up to 1800.

Here is IC1550 from Aladin. Perhaps not galaxy of the month but it was special to me as no 1800 and it looks lovely next to that field star. I read that it is about 275 million light years away behind the Perseus-Pisces supercluster wall of galaxies.


Another great night of observing with the new 20 inch scope. 

Do give any of the above targets a go as they are well placed to the east at the moment (which is best for me over the Cotswolds!) and let me know how you get on.

Thank you to Owen for the inspiration.


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I got 7042 in 2014 with my 12". I found it to be very, very difficult. Usually not visible at all, and when it was, only to averted vision. It looked slightly elongated but no details were seen. 

I had no chance of seeing 7043 - that's a nice catch.

I think our observations tally quite nicely. I also got the triangle of stars. The faintest star I recorded on this observation was magnitude 13.5.



NGC 7042-14144 small.jpg

Edited by DeepSkyBagger
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