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I just had an AWESOME night out and had to share...hope that's OK


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Hi all ,


As the title says, I just had a fantastic 3 hours in my garden with my XT8 and my wife feigned a tiny bit of interest as i came back in, but that didn't satisfy me. I'm literally buzzing from the rush i got tonight.


Long story short, i bought my XT8 this Feb and struggled with the RDF...its easy enough to use, but if you can't see enough stars to navigate, you are kind of done. Last week, i bought a 9x50 RA finder and it has changed the whole ballgame. Great views, so easy to use and entire nights of frustration have given way to hopping from one target to the next and learning how how to read star maps...I have too much light pollution from London to my north so a Telrad would be useless...the RA finder is amazing. Amazing. I love it. 

I only have a 25mm Plossi, a Barlow 2x and a cheap cheap cheap 10mm.

So, tonight i (finally) saw :


M57 (clear ring, gorgeous)

M13 (fuzzy at first, revealed more on further viewing)

M92 (same as above)

M29 (bit meh, but still cool)

C6  (stunning...and i feel like i even saw some colour..blueish...dunno

M81 and M82 (usual blur that galaxies show, but I'm pretty sure i could see the central brightness and SLIGHT bulge of M82...maybe my imagination)

M27 (bit of a faint blur, but i was happy i found it)


Tried to see the Crescent Nebula, C27 in Cygnus, but couldn't see a thing even though i was definitely in the right spot. Oh well. 

I also tried to see the Elephant trunks nebula but failed as well. 


All in all, a pretty successful 3 hours so far, but the icing on the cake was turning around and seeing gorgeous Jupiter and ....oh my...my jaw hit the floor. With the 25mm and 2x Barlow, the view was incredible. Easily defined bands and colour. Then i tried the £15 10mm cheap EP and was blown away at the sight. It even performed well with the Barlow and for the short time it was in the view...well, let's just say that i never in a million years thought i would be able to see a planet that big with a telescope so small. 

Outstanding night...OUTSTANDING! I even saw a meteor whizz through my view as i was looking at M57. I was also amazed at how many satellites pass by...sue is busy up there.

Anyway, sorry for the totally pointless post...but i had to share....

Have a great week you all. 

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4 hours ago, MKHACHFE said:

Anyway, sorry for the totally pointless post...but i had to share....


Your enthusiastic post is definitely not pointless........I enjoyed reading it and also it will encourage others as to how much visual observing can give a great big buzz...........more please..........😁



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Nothing pointless about your post at all! It is great to read about any observing experiences you have, good or bad. This one sounds like it was excellent and with your enthusiasm it is really good to read about.

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4 minutes ago, MSammon said:

How do you find all these targets 😂 that’s my biggest struggle at the moment. Well done!

Sounds like the OP bought a RACI finder :)


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Great post @MKHACHFE I also had an excellentvisual session last night, after a less than promising start trying to image Jupiter. I ticked off some of the same target as you for the first time this year, which I reported on another (Jupiter related) thread (sorry I don't know how to link to just my report, so here's the entire thread.....)

Cheers, Geof

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A very refreshing post, it made me smile when I read it.  When you often read some of the doom and globe posts about poor weather, people selling their scopes and things that frustrate them and go wrong - it makes you wonder if some people would be better partaking in other interests and hobbies :smile:

The universe doesn't owe us anything, and as in most things you get out of it what you put into it.

An excellent post!


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6 hours ago, MSammon said:

How do you find all these targets 😂 that’s my biggest struggle at the moment. Well done!

9x50 Right angled finder. It's the best 60 quid I've ever spent. 

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5 hours ago, Tubby Bear said:

Nice post.

This hobby is great when it all comes together.

Next time you are out, see if you can track down M11. (one of my favourites)

Will do. Thanks for the suggestion.

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17 minutes ago, MSammon said:

Got a link to the finder you bought please?

Sure. I bought mine from Modern Astronomy, but they don't have an erecting one listed, so I'll link to FL.



It's awesome. Just make sure it's tightly screwed Into the shoe. 

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11 minutes ago, MKHACHFE said:

Sure. I bought mine from Modern Astronomy, but they don't have an erecting one listed, so I'll link to FL.



It's awesome. Just make sure it's tightly screwed Into the shoe. 

That's the one I pointed you to on the other thread Mike ;)

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