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Don't want to tempt fate ...


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I thought you would have learned by now that you have just caused tonight to go cloudy 🙄

1 hour ago, Demonperformer said:

But it is looking vaguely hopeful for this evening (if the breeze dies down a bit). First time since 18** ... ok, a bit of an exaggeration, but it feels like it!


21 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Yeah, hopefully image Jupiter and Saturn tonight. 


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Last night looked hopeful here but clouds intervened before I got through more than a few bright double stars. It does look better tonight though so fingers crossed for a good one !

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I got 2.5 hours of data last night and only needed an hour to finish off, so maybe I'll get a chance tonight. I like to prove things wrong with the shortest night and a reasonable moon, but it didn't show up until gone 01:30, so not a problem.

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Hello all.  

Actually got a session in on Jupiter last nite for what seemed an eternity!!!  

Really enjoyable hour till it scooted behind the neighbours. 

Good luck to everyone for tonite. 

See you on the beach, er the eyepiece. Lol 👍👍

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23 minutes ago, Demonperformer said:

An hour after sunset and still no sign of Polaris. Hope I don't fall at the first hurdle ...

I was just able to spot it, but it took some time.  There's cloud to the north east that shouldn't bother me, but the sky is still so bright.  I can see that cloud from indoors with the lights on even now.

Much as I'd like to get outside tonight I think tiredness might win out.


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14 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

.... even persuaded Pam to take a look.

Likewise with my other half Penny - got a "thats very pretty" which is definitely positive :icon_biggrin:

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Indeed it is.  Mirfak (probably) or Capella (less likely, I reckon) is right on the edge of them at the moment, twinkling like crazy.  Can't be absolutely which one it is at the moment as there's pretty much nothing else in that part of the sky to give more context.


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The weather forecast said mostly cloud for me but it looked ok so I went out with the vx14 and got a couple of hours in.

I had a go at Jupiter, M3, M53, Pallas, Saturn and 3 moons, Altair, Mizar, Epsilon Lyra, Albireo, Anser, Cr399 (finder only, target too big for scope), M71 (man of the match), tried for M22 but that was too close to street lights so not seen at all, and M13.

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6 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

That's it ... thick clouds have arrived so packing up. At least i've managed something.

At least you had some views.. but I find (if still early) that instead of packing up as soon as the clouds arrive, if I wait 30 or so minutes, that more often than not, the sky clears and it's crystal clear.....


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