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Has anyone actually regretted building a home observatory?


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Hi All,

I am about to pull the trigger on having a ROR observatory installed. I’ve chosen this over a dome for a variety of reasons. I live in the country and have piles of space and I want to get more and more use from my kit. I also want to be able to share my hobby with my kids and wife more (an observatory is not needed for that but having everything set up for quick hour sessions will help tremendously). 


I’m interested to know if anyone has ever regretted building one? - for whatever reason. 


Positive encouragement also welcome; I’m at that tipping point...

Many thanks. 


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Another ditto. 12 years since planning and 11 years of inhabiting.

Just in case you move house, or get few up of staring at the sky........

An ROR design lends itself to use as a general garden shed.

A dome observatory looks like a bottle bank - not something for the garden! I got told that when thinking the ROR/dome choice!


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11 minutes ago, MakeItSo said:

Thanks Gina and Andrew. It just feels like it will exponentially increase my viewing time and knowledge...

I am sure it will but with our weather exponentially may be over optimistic! Geometrically move likely 😃

Regards Andrew 


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Absolutely not. Despite buying the wrong sort and having heavily LP skies.   

A ROR is the choice l would make if l started again.   I bought a SKYPOD which is not the best for imaging due to the clamshell roof. 


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I think a ROR   which can morph into a shed is a winner on all counts.   

The question...   ." Do I regret where I positioned the observatory ?"    might be more painful for some.


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2 minutes ago, andrew s said:

I am sure it will but with our weather exponentially may be over optimistic! Geometrically move likely 😃

Regards Andrew 


So long as it does not turn inversely proportional. :) 


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Conservatory is currently doubling up as a garden seat store while l am  borrowing lots from friends for a garden party.   

But back to the obsy  

It’s great to be able to leave everything set up also wind protection.  

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Unless we are allowed to mention the "money pit" aspect! [teasing]. lol 😛
But a lot of THAT is my fault re. "Gilding the Lilly... added Bells & Whistles"!
Beware local  "DIY Emporiums"... buying "odd timber"... random screws etc.

Prob'ly NO more than neighbours on "DIY hobbies"... "Patio Furniture"...
Dunno if any of you watch these TV programs that try to "Help" families
who (don't notice) they spend *hundreds* a month on "groceries"? etc. 🤔

Nothing like our sensible... healthy... Low-budget hobby of Astronomy? 😸

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20 minutes ago, saac said:

No regrets whatsoever - in fact I still catch myself rolling back the roof even when it is cloudy - just because I can :) 


Love it...

I bought a property in the country (moved out from London) for my kids. I grew up in the country and wanted my kids to have the same big garden, fields and animals. I've sat looking at my 2 acre paddock thinking it was a complete waste and thought about selling it. 

Not so much anymore. The ROR Observatory is a lot of money but I find myself lamenting the numerous "nearly" opportunities to view (ones where the sky is clear for 90 minutes but no point in setting up an 11 inch scope with heaters etc) that are missed. This seems like the spend most likely to have huge positive impact (rather than constantly buying new EPs and other things). 

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I regret not building (or buying) an observatory 7 years ago when we got somewhere suitable for astronomy in Cornwall. I went for the safer/easier/cheaper option of a suitably sited shed for use as a warmroom/storage, plus a bit of hard standing on which to set up the telescope.  It's better than setting up in the middle of the lawn each night, but not as good as having a permanent set up.  

So my advice is go for it! 

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Just purchased. To all you DIY virtuoso’s it may seem odd I’m not building it myself but I definitely wouldn’t trust myself to truly do it properly. 

Just thinking now of having ALL my books by my scope together with a PC. It’s a good feeling. 

Thanks for the input. 

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I too sometimes open the roof just for the sheer joy of it.  It also provides a slightly better view than I get from the living room or garden.

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I have no real regrets, though sometimes I wonder if I'd benefit from a dome rather than my run-off roof observatory. I like the advantages both types offer, so perhaps a run-off dome would be the ticket for me! Anyhow, the comfort of a dry, clean and somewhat cosy room that protects me from the cold biting winter breeze, and who's walls are high enough to block out stray light, greatly increases my desire to observe. 

I set the wall height at 6' 6" as the horizon offers generally poor seeing, and so local lighting is blocked from direct view. At 8' by 7' it offers enough room for me and a couple of friends to observe together.


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Within my confined space, the chance of me being able to reach a
randomly orientated Equatorial-Newtonian eyepiece is remote? 😛
Fine for EEVA... my basic imaging. I have space to use a Laptop...

I DO need a portable Alt-Az setup for visual... "between the posts". 
RoRo rails can also get in the way of objects I'm trying to see?!? 😸

But, if you like to DINE "al-fresco", probably a great place
(instant sunshade!) to locate your garden table/chairs? 😎 

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My main observatory is ROR but I'm considering building a micro dome about 2ft diameter to contain a widefield imaging rig with astro camera, EFW and vintage SLR lens.  All remote controlled.

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So I have found I do need to run this past my council; my house is in an area of "outstanding natural beauty" so they want to "check it out". Just as well I wasn't asking for a Dome - no way they would have gone for it. Annoying to be held up.

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