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Hiya peep's,
                  just getting into the hobby,after flirting with it for a year or two,going to join Sunderland Astronomical Society ,quite near to me,look's a good club,

plenty info available,all the fun to come,trying out scope's,looking forward to it,a lot to learn,guidance appreciated

live up beside beamish museum,so quite nice view's after dark,.


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Hiya White Dwarf ,oop's,sorry


                        i do not have a scope as yet , just getting started,i have  had some really good view's of the moon,and bit's n bob's through,really good rifle scope's over the last few year's,mainly up on the pennines,so now i have more time,i am,starting my journey,

scope choice is amazing out there,so hoping to see some in the flesh and gain some knowledge,

thank's for the welcome


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Hello and welcome to SGL!

White Dwarf is actually rwilkey.

The name is in bold white in the bar actually above the post.

White Dwarf is the forum status linked to the number of posts made.

Yours is Vacuum at the moment (as is mine)! :D

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Hi Ian, yes, that is the best way forward, Sunderland AS should be able to help you.  There is so much choice out there and sometimes it depends on what you want to see (a large reflector for DSO's (deep sky objects, for example) to an extent that many of us end up with more than one scope.  Wish we had dark skies here, I live right in the centre of town so have to go out to the countryside for darker skies, which is no hardship.  Good luck!

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1 minute ago, bingevader said:

Hello and welcome to SGL!

White Dwarf is actually rwilkey.

The name is in bold white in the bar actually above the post.

White Dwarf is the forum status linked to the number of posts made.

Yours is Vacuum at the moment (as is mine)! :D

there you go,ime, gaining knowledge all ready,thank's for the welcome binge vader  ?

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Hi, Ian, and welcome to SGL.

You can't beat in-person advice and joining an AS is a great start. Get plenty of advice before spending your hard-earned pennies on a scope (I spent my first few decades in this hobby with nothing more than a pair of 7x50 binoculars).

Enjoy the journey.

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Welcome to SGL, Great that you are getting involved with others first, that will help guide you too good choices...Best of Luck and Clear Skies of course ?


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9 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

Hi, Ian, and welcome to SGL.

You can't beat in-person advice and joining an AS is a great start. Get plenty of advice before spending your hard-earned pennies on a scope (I spent my first few decades in this hobby with nothing more than a pair of 7x50 binoculars).

Enjoy the journey.

cheer's SIDO,

thank's for the welcome,def need a hand's on type look at scope's,there is just load's to go for,and all advertised as the best thing ever made,

plenty fun ahead for though,

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