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Show me your eyepiece/accessories case, please.


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Thanks Alan.

As requested, I have attached a rotated version of the case.

I fit my eyepieces upside down so that they stand on the barrel when you transport them (holding the handle). :p Since doing this I no longer have an issue with the TV caps working their way loose.

The trouble with astronomy is that it requires an infinite bank balance for very finite number of viewing opportunities each year! Buy hey ho, it's all worth it.



Edited by Rob_UK_SE
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Thanks Alan.

As requested, I have attached a rotated version of the case.

I fit my eyepieces upside down so that they stand on the barrel when you transport them (holding the handle). :p Since doing this I no longer have an issue with the TV caps working their way loose.

The trouble with astronomy is that it requires an infinite bank balance for very finite number of viewing opportunities each year! Buy hey ho, it's all worth it.


It's almost like the case was made for those EP's. Very nice!!!

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I fit them in this way so the caps stay on when you are carrying them using the handle. Tele Vue caps have a tendency to work their way loose - for me anyway. I also wanted to avoid putting pressure on the rubber so they don't loose their shape.


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Thats a lovely set of eyepieces and I do know what you mean about those Tele Vue caps :)

I shall have to turn mine the other way around now !

One question that is getting asked a lot on the forum is why folks are prepared to spend so much on high quality eyepieces like Tele Vues when there are lower cost alternatives that are very, very nearly as good.

I think I know my reasons but I'd be interested to know the rationale that other owners of such equipment have, if that's not being nosey :p

Edit: To be fair it's not just Tele Vue, there are other brands such as Pentax, Takahashi, Zeiss etc that fall into the same category.

2nd Edit: On second thoughts, this is probably not the thread to have the above discussion in - I'll post the question elsewhere maybe :)

Edited by John
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My eye piece case should arrive tomorrow, a small aluminium flight case, with foam insert. This one did arrive today for my NEQ6 mount and counter wieghts. Yes, it's rather a heavy lump, but at least for trips away, other luggage can be piled on top in tha car without worries. Still to make are boxes for the tripod and scope.


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Thanks Alan.

As requested, I have attached a rotated version of the case.

I fit my eyepieces upside down so that they stand on the barrel when you transport them (holding the handle). :p Since doing this I no longer have an issue with the TV caps working their way loose.

The trouble with astronomy is that it requires an infinite bank balance for very finite number of viewing opportunities each year! Buy hey ho, it's all worth it.


Very nice indeed Rob.

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Thats a lovely set of eyepieces and I do know what you mean about those Tele Vue caps :)

I shall have to turn mine the other way around now !

One question that is getting asked a lot on the forum is why folks are prepared to spend so much on high quality eyepieces like Tele Vues when there are lower cost alternatives that are very, very nearly as good.

I think I know my reasons but I'd be interested to know the rationale that other owners of such equipment have, if that's not being nosey :p

Edit: To be fair it's not just Tele Vue, there are other brands such as Pentax, Takahashi, Zeiss etc that fall into the same category.

2nd Edit: On second thoughts, this is probably not the thread to have the above discussion in - I'll post the question elsewhere maybe :)

Can't find the thread John ???

I was only going to say if I had been in the same boat now and given the recent TV price increases I think I would have gone with ES 82' EP's and not the Nags. If budget had been more favourable and given current prices I would have had no hesitation going with the Pentax XW's. This was always my favoured choice but the Nags at the time were cheaper and offered a better FOV. As you know I have down graded from TV's and this is always going to be harder than upgrading as you know what premium EP's can offer but after booting up my synscan the other night I realised that it had been a whole month since the last time I had got out under the stars. It's these times when I realise why I did it and it's not like the views I get through the Nirvanas and Hyperion's are that terrible anyway. Granted if I was in a better financial situation I'd happily have £1400 worth of premium glass gathering dust for 9 months of the year as there is no doubt they offer an improvement. I'm not so sure it's going to be the case for most given current prices. This is my 2p worth.

Please feel free to move this thread if you have started this topic in another thread. ;)

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I fit them in this way so the caps stay on when you are carrying them using the handle. Tele Vue caps have a tendency to work their way loose - for me anyway. I also wanted to avoid putting pressure on the rubber so they don't loose their shape.


I would probably do the same as well especially as the cap on the 6mm TMB eyepiece is very loose.

The way I was thinking of having them was cutting a round hole downwards into the foam (when the case is open) so the eyepieces are standing up, rather than having them lying down when you open the case.

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This one did arrive today for my NEQ6 mount and counter wieghts. Yes, it's rather a heavy lump, but at least for trips away, other luggage can be piled on top in tha car without worries.

That looks a perfect case for the EQ head :p

I did the same for my Giro III mount


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Sorry might be rubbing your nose in it a bit :):o:rolleyes:

LOL you might say that. I've just had some joker offer me a used one for £235 delivered :p I assume he must be friends with another joker who offered me a Quikfinder for £34 :)

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LOL you might say that. I've just had some joker offer me a used one for £235 delivered :p I assume he must be friends with another joker who offered me a Quikfinder for £34 :)

I paid £200 for mine if I remember correctly then another £60 on the ADM saddle :)

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I've not started it, as yet. Interesting to read your views on the topic anyway so thanks for posting them ;)

For me, I think there is something a bit special with the Tele Vue eyepieces. The range has increased over the years so there's something for all types of observer - the dedicated Plossl user, the super wide angle fanatic courtesy of the Ethos (which I regrettably now include myself in), the flat field high quality 68º user with their dob and the Panoptic, the wide angle super sharp and flat Nagler and the planetary delight that covered by the Radian focal lengths. The new Delos looks intriguing too.

I'm not going to go on about the flat field, or minimal / no kidney beaning, sharp optics, comfort and nice cardboard presentation box etc, instead I am going to assume we would all argue over this and ultimately agree that many other manufactures offer these things too... for less money.


I think a Tele Vue eyepiece is a bit like buying a sports car. The miles per gallon is terrible, the initial cost is simply shocking, they have a rather striking look that some like, but others think is OTT and lastly, we become paranoid about handling them and lending them to our friends and family.

However, these very same eyepieces make us smile like a five year old who was just presented with a triple scoop, chocolate saturated, giant flake in a bowl of your favorite icecream... when you were expecting a choc ice. Again, like the sports car, they are made with passion, obsession and a genuine attention to meeting the modern day astronomers requests. There are many other offerings out there - at far more competitive prices, but Tele Vue bring that sports car excitement and something that makes you stay at the eyepiece for that little bit longer, despite the frostbite and limited feeling left in your fingers.

For me, I would rather pay for a small company to produce something that has been created with a desire to craft the perfect tool for the job, than a more generic approach that meets the need, but perhaps does not provide quite the same sense of drama. Other eyepiece manufacturers have imitated the designs, but at a price or some other sort of compromise. I would be more than happy with a set of Pentax XWs, for example, but would miss the 100º FOV of the Ethos and 81º FOV of the Nagler.

I wonder if I am making sense with all of this? Perhaps other Tele Vue owners might be able shed light if I am alone in this belief?

Hopefully this doesn't sound like a snobbish post - it's certainly not supposed to. I have perviously owned a variety of plossls, Baader orthos & Hyperions and briefly Celestron X-Cel (which really were a challenge). However, like many others I too ended up with a set of TVs... even if I did have to sell everything but the cat to afford them!


Edited by Rob_UK_SE
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Well here are my two cases. Not the neatest in terms of foam cutting (don't have the patience) but they do the job. Think I have most things covered, always fancied a 21 mm ethos but would have to lose the UWAN and the two type 4's to fund it!




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Wow!!, great collection Stu. I would say you have every angle covered, and then some!

I'll have to post a pick of my final collection but not until i get some new foam. The old flight case has been rearranged so many times in the last 12 months it is a bit of a shambles to say the least.

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However, these very same eyepieces make us smile like a five year old who was just presented with a triple scoop, chocolate saturated, giant flake in a bowl of your favorite icecream... when you were expecting a choc ice.


That sums up why I like Tele Vue eyepieces in an original way. ;)

There is something ethereal about looking through a TV eyepiece and a nice refractor.

Which leads me nicely into Stu's post, wow thats quite a collection :)

Looking through your setup at PSP2011 was a real treat :)

Just need to find the money for a nice largish ED refractor ;)

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