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Hello from Leyland, Lancashire


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Hi everyone,

Just to let you know how I've come to join SGL. In the late sixties I bcame interested in astronomy and wanted to have a look through a good telescope. Unfortunately commercial telescopes at that time were well out of my price range (a 3.5" Questar was several thousand pounds) so I decided to build my own as a school project with the blessing and money from the PTA. It was an 8.5" F/8 Newtonian with a parabolised primary better than 1/10th wave in a skeleton tube attached to a mount based on the 200" Palomar design all housed in a 16ft domed observatory. I eventually gained promotion and moved on, my interest being put on hold. Surfing the net recently made me realise how relatively cheap telesopes had become and I invested in a Meade 125ETX. Initially my idea was to take photos using a Canon 400D and quickly realised buying the ETX was a mistake. I then bought a Skywatcher Equinox 80 ED and bought an EQ5 mount from Steve at FLO. When I found out that astrophotography was better with a modded SPC 900 I went to Steve for advice and realised that I really needed to have autoguiding facilities which the EQ5 doesn't have. I know I am on a steep learning curve and have made many mistakes that will cost me dear. Since purchasing the equipment at the end of July there has been nearly 100% cloud cover and I've yet to see the moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn!!

Looking forward to exploring SGL where I might find someone else whose made mistakes like me!

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Welcome to the SGL Forum Halle. Don't worry about any mistakes you made, anyone who hasn't made a mistake, hasn't made anything. You made a mirror, and that ain't no mean feat. We have all made mistakes. It's called learning.

Ron. :)

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Hi from me too - yes its amazing how its all changed. I was limited to a teeny refelector back then. These days the kits incredibly cheap really.

I'm sure most of us have made bad buys at some time. SO far I have been spared any real disasters with astro gear though :)

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