My first blog....Am being dragged, finally, into the 21st century and writing my first ever blog.:confused: The question is, what should I write? And, frankly, who is going to bother to read it? Well, for all you Stef-enthusiasts, here it goes.... I've just finished writing aa astro book for Springer Publishers. I sent it to the editor about 3 weeks ago...still waiting for the ok for it, so fingers crossed! I've got no idea when it will be released for public consumption. But for those of you who don't know, it is aimed at the purely visual observer! Actually, the title of the book is still to be confirmed as well..... Due to financial considerations, I decided to sell my Nx11 recently. Managed to get a nice swap for a TMB 80/480 + some cash which helped the bank balance. I've given the frac a go and it really is great:D. However, I realised that it's so similar in aperture (but better quality) than my Meg72, that Little Meg, as she is affectionately known, is now for sale... Now that the book is done, I'm looking forward to getting back to my astro sketching, which has taken a back seat for a few months....And thinking about getting a solar filter to put on the TMB and look at some sun spots now that the Sun has finally woken up. Right, well that's it for now....Tune in for your next instalment;) Stef