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Hallo from Cape Town, South Africa


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Hi All, 

I have been doing some astro photography since November last year. Still very new and find the learning curve extremely steep. I hope to learn, find answers to questions and at a later stage be able to contribute.

My current setup:

  • Mount - Skywatcher EQ6 with Rowan Belt conversion and Astro Baby fine tuning. Done myself through watching videos and reading lots
  • Pole Alignment - Polemaster
  • Scope - Skywatcher Esprit 100 with Skywatcher 100 flattener 
  • Auto Focusser - Robert Brown's Arduino ASCOM Focuser Pro2 (DIY)
  • OAG - ZWO
  • Guide Camera - Lodestar x 2
  • Filter Wheel - ZWO 31mm x 8
  • Camera - ZWO 1600MM-cool

I live in a very polluted light part of Cape Town but do have access to dark skies some 250km's from Cape Town

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^^^ Thank you very much Sara. I have spent many hours absorbing every bit of information from your website. Many other familiar names also popping up including authors of well known books that are always at arms length. I just hope I will one day be able to contribute as well. 

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Welcome to SGL, great info to be had on this site. Was down Cape Town (Bantry Bay area) back in Feb and weather was excellent.

Had to to do double take when I saw Orion upside down for the first time lol!!  

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