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Everything posted by Eastman

  1. Nice report, have to look at NGC 6905 that one is new to me.
  2. Hello, It had been a while since I sat behind the eyepiece, it may have been over 2 years since I had a proper observing night. But last night it seems to be a clear night, so I went out to do a garden session and visit some old acquaintances. Also a good chance to test out my new scope as I sold my flextube and went back to a 10'' solidtube dob. I only took 2 eyepieces with me, my trusty 2" 26MM and 13MM both SWA. Keeping it simple with 46X and 92X magnification. M13 and NGC 6207, saw the propeller in M13 easely but the spiral galaxy NGC 6207 is a little fuzzy in the eyepiece. M92 much smaller but also a beautyful GC. M57 the Ring Nebula. M56 GC M27 Dumbell Nebula, always amazing big in the eyepiece. M71 GC really nice view with this GC, I remember it much harder to see in the past. Then heading for the NW skies and Cassiopeia. NGC 7789 Caroline's Rose, big OC M52 OC NGC 457 the Owl cluster one of my favourite OC's M31 heading back south, as the sky is getting more and more filled with moisture. NGC 6934 GC in Delphinus And last but not least the majestic Saturn. Had a really good time out in the garden. Clear Skies all
  3. Hello All, I'm looking for some help. I have a 10"dob SW flextube and want to protect it against foging up. Whats best to use for the secondary mirror? Can I use a heating strip for that and if so which size is best to buy? Thanks in advance gr Gert
  4. After more than a 1000 views and no enthusiastic user reviews I guess I have a answer too!?
  5. Maybe 5 years later? I do have the same question. thanks in advanced
  6. Eastman


    From the album: Eastman Album

  7. Eastman

    Eastman Album

  8. One of the best upgrades got delivered today.
  9. Superb, seeing Saturn for the first time, I remember my first time Saturn, saw Venus and Jupiter before but those rings arround Saturn are something else! Now you are hooked for life and that's good?
  10. Okay Stu thanks for the explanation. Have to enjoy it in sections then. Sure is, if you think of the power that it took to create such a remnant. They sure are John. Can't wait to explore more of it, thanks for the map. And many thanks everyone for your reactions and usefull tips, its going to help me to enjoy the veil nebula even better!
  11. Is that going to be possible, what eyepiece do I need? Thanks Paul, sure going to try that next time
  12. Sure, but i've been there before ( before the hobby). Really like to go back but this time enjoy the nature and the dark skies as well. It's a beautiful place.
  13. Amazing, I have to go there sometime.
  14. Can't wait to bbserve it under dark skies. Must be great to see the whole complex in the eyepiece. Which scope and eyepiece did you use? Sure is, I find it also helpfull on ohthe nebula objects.
  15. This report is about those moments that you really be amazed . For as long as I'm into this hobby I want to take a look at the Veil Nebula, I must have tried a hunderd times. But this hobby is all about trial and error and I soon learned you need a bit extra's like a O-III filter. Before buying one I ask a buddy if I could borrow one. No problem he said, but he also said "Gert if you want to take a look at the Veil buy one mate". He has a Explore Scientific O-III and was very pleased with it, so I took his advice and orderd one. On saturday 7 July the sky look very promising so I took out the 10"dob. I went right away to the Cygnus to take a look the Veil Nebula, nothing there only weird green looking stars due to the filter. It still not dark enough. Lyra was beginning to pop up. So I went for the Ring Nebula. First without filter followed with filter, the filter makes the background more dark and let the light of the Nebula pop out a little more. I Like wat I'm seeining good purchase allready. Then some more Nebula testing on the Dumbell Nebula, same results especiailly with 80X magnification. The Sky is becoming much darker at this time so back to the Veil nebula, star hop to the right spot and woooooow there it was and it is huge! I I'm looking at the west part of the nebula with my 32mm eyepiece and it fills it completely. Stunning beauty like a half cirkel of misty clould filling the eyepiece now. I'm really impressed of this filter but also of the size of this Nebula. I was a little concerned what the O-III filter would bring me but it brought me the Veil Nebula from my garden, I'm a happy camper. greetings Gert
  16. Well you bought yourself the best present ever!
  17. This is my set up for the holiday's. The Pentax 20 X 60, useless without it's tripod. I like the 20 X gives my just enough magnification to see the ring of Saturn. It's small but it's there. It has given many passersby on holiday there first glimpse at Saturn, Always great reactions.
  18. Wow Gina, that the best view ever, the skies must be dark over there. Good luck en succes with the pond.
  19. Use to own this Vixen 102mm refractor made end '80's, apeture fever made me sell it. I should have kept it.........great frac
  20. Well beter start good, great scope and setup. It's the week of buying big scopes on the SGL forum.
  21. Great scope you got there and some good assistance.
  22. Thanks Alan, First light report will follow. But first I have to wait for the clouds to disappear.
  23. Hello All, Well today my new scope arrived. The SW Skyliner 250px flextube. Me...happy
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