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Hi everyone! I've not managed to get out this last couple of weeks due to the bad weather. At present it's looking quite promising for tomorrow night. 

Damian, are you up at Galloway this weekend? Looks like the skies might be kind for you up there. Give that Dob a good airing :)

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Returned home today from the Galloway Spring Star Party.

Trip was uneventful and took a little over 4hrs on the sunday roads.

Not much in the way of star gazing but some proper laughs and new faces. I hope Lee enjoyed it and I'm glad he had a brief glimpse of what this place has to offer.

Hope everyone is o.k. and please feel free to post


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On 25/03/2018 at 20:44, mapstar said:

Returned home today from the Galloway Spring Star Party.

Trip was uneventful and took a little over 4hrs on the sunday roads.

Not much in the way of star gazing but some proper laughs and new faces. I hope Lee enjoyed it and I'm glad he had a brief glimpse of what this place has to offer.

Hope everyone is o.k. and please feel free to post


I did enjoy it. Looking forward to next time with less moon and less cloud :D


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Hi All

I know how much Damian loves the moon, so apologies for to him this. But its about the only object I get to see these days. So I had a go at a mosaic, this is from last tuesday, 27th. I used GIMP to put it  together. Not bad for a first attempt eh?


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Wahey, our own little corner of SGL! Hasn't the weather been absolute rubbish. Up and kielder with very little sun then loads of snow now some biblical deluges. When will it all end and the clouds go away! Oh that's right, in May and June when the skies don't get dark!  Lol

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Hi there, at last night's meeting I briefly mentioned packaging that comes with our printer toners at work. I brought a couple home and they would make very handy protective cases for DSLR lenses and larger eyepieces, such as widefield 2" like ES82 or Ethos etc. I currently have 2 of these if anyone would like them, and I'll bring home any more I get. Just let me know if you want any :)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Venus imaged this afternoon.
Although imaged in broad daylight, the very short exposures required, just a couple of miliseconds, means the sky looks black. Such short exposures are required to prevent the image over exposing as Venus is so bright.
Celestron 8SE and QHY5L-II monochrome camera with Celestron LX 2 x barlow.
AVI stacked in Registax with minor adjustments in wavelets.
No post-processing other than a slight crop.

Venus 200418.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well guys its my last night in Cyprus being the WADAS southern observer.

I've  seen Jupiter and Saturn riding high by naked eye and the skies have been stunning albeit from a very light polluted and lively Ayia Napa.

Some grim news from my next door neighbour has ended a nice holiday abruptly with news of my house being broken into. At the very least my mountain bike has gone missing.

Hey ho end of a nice holiday 


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10 minutes ago, mapstar said:

Well guys its my last night in Cyprus being the WADAS southern observer.

I've  seen Jupiter and Saturn riding high by naked eye and the skies have been stunning albeit from a very light polluted and lively Ayia Napa.

Some grim news from my next door neighbour has ended a nice holiday abruptly with news of my house being broken into. At the very least my mountain bike has gone missing.

Hey ho end of a nice holiday 


Oh no D, gutted to read this. Total scum bag and I hope they find who did this and recover your bike. Feel truly upset reading this and hope they haven't made too much of a mess. Do you know if your scope is safe? :( I hadn't realised you were on your annual boys jaunt to Ayia Napa. I just presumed you were busy working when you weren't at the WADAS meeting. Hopefully you'll get things sorted.

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Sorry to read that Damian. As said, I hope not too much mess and that insurance covers anything taken. I won’t express further opinion for fear of breaking the CoC :( 

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Thanks guys  these things happen.

I return the early hours of tomorrow morning but talking my parents through various bits of kit some other things have been taken. 

Then there's all the hastle of sorting the broken door.  


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  • 3 months later...
On 16/08/2018 at 21:14, 2STAR said:

It seems very quiet on here since we moved !


I agree Eric. Was looking at getting out tonight but the weather gods have thwarted that plan.

Just to say the burglary items were sorted and all is good again. Wish they could sort the weather though!

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Good to hear re the Burglary Damian, ( wish we could have caught them hahaha) we must get out to someplace dark as and when possible, Vicky came down to my place the other night and had a go at Saturn & Mars, conditions were a bit poor and it didn't help with the planets being low, but at least she got a couple of images anyway.

See you soon


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1 hour ago, 2STAR said:

Good to hear re the Burglary Damian, ( wish we could have caught them hahaha) we must get out to someplace dark as and when possible, Vicky came down to my place the other night and had a go at Saturn & Mars, conditions were a bit poor and it didn't help with the planets being low, but at least she got a couple of images anyway.

See you soon


Agreed I've not been out for months. Where abouts are Mars and Saturn :wink: ha ha 

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It was great to see Eric and get out with the scope, and enjoy my first view of Saturn for this year. My Mars images didn't come out great, but I was reasonably happy with my Saturn image. I'm at Kelling Heath from 5th to 9th September, so hoping for some clear skies whilst I am there and blow the cobwebs from my gear. Have you got any upcoming events Damian?


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