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B33 (Horsehead) *2 pane mosaic* as if it needed more space !!


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Following on from my Horsehead nebula in mono thread here I was quite happy with it as it was.... then ..... @pietervdv was a very naughty boy and suggested that perhaps I *may* like to do another pane above it. Well how could I resist when I was finally up and running with the dual rig. Double bubble on the Ha time as I've got a 3nm Astrodon in both camera's. It would have been rude to ignore his suggestion!

The original thread was called widefield.... so this one can only be *even wider* :)

All comments and thoughts welcomed (except those that suggest ANOTHER couple of panes are in order) - There will be no colour either this year :)


M: Mesu 200
T: Takahashi FSQ85 0.73x

Pane 1: 
C: QSI683 3nm Ha filter - 27x1800s

Pane 2: 
C: QSI683 3nm Ha filter / Moravian G2-8300 3nm Ha Filter
20x1800s QSI / 8x1800s G2-3800

Total exposure time 27.5 hours

You can see a larger version on my website here


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Thanks guys for all of your comments .... The reason for no RGB is the lack of time plain and simple and I have looked and I have the pane to the upper right already in Ha and would just need lower right.... but no!!! no no!!! This lady is not for turning :D:D 

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Nice work Sara, the extra pane makes it a more interesting image.  

Question on the dual rig - how are you managing the two cameras?  Are they run intelligently through a single piece of software (I know SGL said they would sort this one day?) Or does it require separate application/instance?


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Stunning image, Sara. This should become an apod.

The image is also very well framed in the standard sgl view, with a black frame and a thin gray line. You might consider printing and framing this way.

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Thanks guys for your comments - Theya re much appreciated :)

1 hour ago, zicklurky said:

The only niggle I have is the satellite trail at the bottom, just off centre moving upwards. I am a stickler for them :) 

I didn't see that!! I think it's part of a column defect I have -It's all sorted now thanks!! :)

37 minutes ago, PatrickGilliland said:

Question on the dual rig - how are you managing the two cameras?  Are they run intelligently through a single piece of software (I know SGL said they would sort this one day?) Or does it require separate application/instance?

I'm running 2 instances of SGP - One camera acts as the main controlling the mount, flips etc and the other is just a slave all night..... It worked perfectly :)

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Just now, swag72 said:

I'm running 2 instances of SGP - One camera acts as the main controlling the mount, flips etc and the other is just a slave all night..... It worked perfectly :)


Do you get no issues when software instances get out of sync?  EG a refocus or download takes longer on one than other?  The other then could still be finishing a sub and the main software is slewing or similar?


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1 minute ago, PatrickGilliland said:

Do you get no issues when software instances get out of sync?  EG a refocus or download takes longer on one than other?  The other then could still be finishing a sub and the main software is slewing or similar?

Sure it's all out of sync, but what does it matter? It's using a separate guider, so both scopes can refocus when they like without affecting the guiding........ The camera's do download at a different speed, but that doesn't matter...... I will lose two subs max from the slave camera at flip or target change and that's worse case scenario.

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3 minutes ago, swag72 said:

Sure it's all out of sync, but what does it matter? It's using a separate guider, so both scopes can refocus when they like without affecting the guiding........ The camera's do download at a different speed, but that doesn't matter...... I will lose two subs max from the slave camera at flip or target change and that's worse case scenario.

OK cool, that's where I got to as well, sacrifice a few subs for the greater good!  Just wondered if you had worked out something I have not yet......

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Just now, PatrickGilliland said:

OK cool, that's where I got to as well, sacrifice a few subs for the greater good!  Just wondered if you had worked out something I have not yet......

Nope! Nothing that groundbreaking!!! There's a couple of software programmes that do dual capture - Prism  for example..... but I didn't fancy being a pioneer!!! :D  I'm not that smart :)

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Just now, swag72 said:

Nope! Nothing that groundbreaking!!! There's a couple of software programmes that do dual capture - Prism  for example..... but I didn't fancy being a pioneer!!! :D  I'm not that smart :)

Yes looked at that but did not like the interface. SGP said they were going to release then never saw it.  Shame, not that complex afterall.

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Wow that is probably as good as anything i have ever seen. Just stunning detail. And i think i would be tempted to keep it mono although those gorgeous reds associated with this area are tempting i do think the detail just looks so good in mono.

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