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Greetings from Southampton!


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Hello All!

Greetings from the South Coast of England!

I've enjoyed looking up at the sky ever since I was young (although admittedly only being 18, I suppose I still count as young!), but up until this point I've just been a 'casual' observer, peering through my pretty basic telescope, at some bright points of light in the sky! I've recently started to try and take my first few tentative steps into Astrophotography with a Tripod and my Nikon D3300. It's nothing fancy, but I've managed to get a few blurry shots of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Orion Nebula, which I was pretty chuffed about. Looking at some point to upgrade my telescope from my current Skywatcher Heritage-76 (I did say basic didn't I?!) to something a LOT better, but that'll come when I'm a bit more confident finding objects/taking pictures. I have to admit I'm more used to taking shots of fast moving aircraft at Airshows as opposed to taking pictures of the stars! Hopefully I'll get better as I go along, but for the meantime, I'm pointing my camera in the vague direction of where I think something is, clicking the shutter and hoping for the best!

Many Thanks


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Hi Stu and welcome to the forum.

Yes, the delights and sometimes the perils of astrophotography, or as it is sometimes referred - the 'dark side'. If that's the direction your wanting to travel in then may I recommend Steve Richard's, "Making Every Photon Count". A comprehensive book that details what kit you will need in order to produce good consistent images with lots of additional information and techniques to help you further your understanding of this interesting area of activity. Although specific equipment is necessary to capture the required data, processing what you have collected in order to produce a suitable image is another arena of activity that can initially present a bit of a steep learning curve that should get easier over time - or so they claim! :biggrin: This modestly priced book will certainly save you money by helping you avoid buying the wrong kit as we don't want your first image of a black hole being the one sat in the middle of your wallet. In addition to the book, this forum does have among its membership some really talented 'imagers' who are more than happy to supply answers to your questions over on the imaging sections and to help you to quickly get up and running.

Clear skies for now and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Welcome mate , I'm based in Liverpool myself ?

Joined this site a few days ago and yeno what mate it's the best thing I have done , plenty of good knowledge and plenty of good people wanting to share that knowledge , enjoy buddy 


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Greetings stu to SGL. It's a wonderful place to hang out when the skies are clouded and feed your need for knowledge and should you not be able to find what you may need an answer for there are many people who are willing to share there experience with others. whatever it is finding an object in the sky, can't focus your scope or want to build scope it's here :)  But above all enjoy the hobby.

Cheers stu

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Hi Stu and welcome to SGL, good luck with your AP, although there can be some rewarding results with limited equipment, going over to the dark side ( AP ) in a big way, without a good background knowledge, is not really advisable.

As already mentioned, Steve`s book on the subject comes highly recommended, from both our novice and most senior AP enthusiasts. Enjoy the forum :) 

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11 hours ago, tttonyyy said:

land of the orange skies :)

Aha you can say that again :laugh2:


-Thank you for all of your kind words. I've ordered a copy of "Making Every Photon Count", as recommended by a few of you, so hopefully that'll arrive in the next few days or so. Hopefully the weather holds as it was beautifully clear last night, and the chance to take some photos is definitely there!


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On ‎30‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 09:39, Floater said:

Welcome, Stu. Hope you have a lot of fun.

I'm visual only so will not be able to help with your activities/aspirations on the Dark Side. But there are plenty of Loungers who can and, no doubt, will. Enjoy.



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