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The inaugural StuPOD, winner announced!


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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Ron, I can only play the team that turns up ;) 

Come on chaps, we need some more winners on here! :):) 

I know matey, it was a damned cheek Posting my comment when I've not yet
entered myself yet. I just intended it to be in the spirit in which you created the Topic, and I'm
sure it will endure. I'll pitch in soon.:icon_biggrin:

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1 hour ago, barkis said:

I know matey, it was a damned cheek Posting my comment when I've not yet
entered myself yet. I just intended it to be in the spirit in which you created the Topic, and I'm
sure it will endure. I'll pitch in soon.:icon_biggrin:

....and that's the way it was taken Ron :) 

Crack on son, we need a Barkis special on the thread to lift the quality :) 

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4 hours ago, Stu said:

....and that's the way it was taken Ron :) 

Crack on son, we need a Barkis special on the thread to lift the quality :) 

HehHeh,!!    Your sense of humour is alive and well Stu.   But I will submit an entry soon, no Idea what yet, but it will be Astro. related   ?. 

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Had a little go at video imaging last night on the iPhone (I'm still waiting for the T-ring adapter for my new DSLR)... Again this one has been processed on the computer, so not elligable for a win, but thought I'd post it anyway!

My best shot of Jupiter to date!


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2 minutes ago, Art Gecko said:

Do it mate!! With your scope you'll get far better shots than me judging by what you've put on here already... It's amazing what data you can pull out of a phone cam when you try!

Will do. I think the sensor is better than my Canon 1000D!

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2 minutes ago, Art Gecko said:

Haha it's a good shot..... But I'm not sure it's THAT good!

You've got to be in it to win it!

Anyway, it's not necessarily about the highest quality image, it is also about getting the best out of the kit available to you.

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4 minutes ago, Stu said:

You've got to be in it to win it!

Anyway, it's not necessarily about the highest quality image, it is also about getting the best out of the kit available to you.

Very True!... In that case I might have another go tonight... It was pretty hazy last night where I am, Metcheck astronomy weather forecast said it was 30% high cloud coverage... tonight it's say 4% so hopefully better seeing conditions

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Ok, so I didn't make it out tonight to get that better shot.... My T-ring had arrived when I got home from work, so I tried the DSLR on the scope... As I figured, it didn't reach focus and my scope is now in bits as I figure out a way of rebuilding it with the focal length extended enough for the camera...

But I did manage to get a shot through the telescope with my iPhone and this one isn't processed on the pc.... so here's my entry to STUpod.... an iPhone image through a telescope...


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9 hours ago, Galen Gilmore said:

How did I miss this thread considering I only use an iPhone to image, lol.imageproxy.php?img=&key=bdf8b2134cef9d8b








Today's winner is the last image in this set, I assume it's the Double Cluster? Not often we get open clusters so it's a nice addition. Well done!

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On 07/04/2017 at 23:57, tooth_dr said:

Tonight with iPhone 7 and bottle of wine






Doing things backwards, yesterday's winner is the final image of Jupiter from tooth_dr.Very tough to get good iPhone images of Jupiter, but this is a great one!

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2 hours ago, Stu said:

Doing things backwards, yesterday's winner is the final image of Jupiter from tooth_dr.Very tough to get good iPhone images of Jupiter, but this is a great one!

Wow! I appreciate this very much!  Thanks Stu.

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, andrew63 said:

Not seen many pictures of late, so inspired by the recent  Jupiter Moon conjunction managed this 'effort' this evening ! 


Thank you Andrew! You've certainly beaten all the competition today, so can count yourself as a worthy winner! :) 

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  • 1 month later...

Jokes aside, this is a great thread.

I've been imaging - cooled cameras, hypered cameras then into DSLR and cooled CCD's for over forty years.

I was a little bemused when I started to see members wanting to use a phone camera for astronomy....a sign of the times....

BUT I have to say some of the results being obtained are very good! I reminds me of how amateur astro photos started in the sixties and shows great promise for the future.

What about some comments on how to use the phone camera (better/ properly?) - I see they now have special attachment brackets to hold the camera to the eyepiece - are they really any good? How do you hold the camera still and yet have a third hand to press the shutter button?

All in all, I'm very impressed with the results and hope to see this thread continue.


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This was from the very first time I saw Jupiter through a telescope. I still remember how exciting it was. I was thrilled that I could see the moons too! Using the SkyWatcher "super" 10mm eyepiece and 2x Barlow that came with my scope. I've also included a pic of my ultra high tech setup, you can actually see Jupiter in that pic too. iPhone 6 using standard camera app and absolutely no processing. I did have an adapter to hold the phone. I'm now all inspired to go and take some more pics to try and earn myself the hallowed prize of a StuPOD!


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