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Skye finale.


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Moonset at 3.43, got up at three to a very light sky. Set up the Dob for cooling and watched as the moonglow vanished and the constellations filled , Auriga was packed with stars and a setting Cygnus showed the Milky Way to the ground, you could almost walk over to it ! It was like entering a huge planetarium when the lights start to fade right out.

I returned to some favourites and by the light of a very dull headtorch scrawled a few rough drawings to compare the views at SGL and from home. M33 was just so lovely , more detail coming with averted vision and turning off the head torch.IMG_4089.JPGIMG_4090.JPGIMG_4088.JPGWhat was very striking was the amount of stars into each target and the simplicity of star hopping instead of hoping. The views have been just awesome, often so huge that just by eye I kept thinking of what our ancestors would have thought and the terrible light pollution that most of us have forced on our views.Thanks for wading through my reports, hoping you can get to dark and clear skies !

Old Nick.


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Nice set Nick..... It sure is great when you get dark skies and it must have been wonderful before Edison & Tesla poked their noses in :hello: Mind you they have kind of helped in other ways ... LoL@ Hopping versus hoping.

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Lovely sketches.

I looks like I will be home alone the next two weekends and I am planning to travel to darker skies somewhere, camp out and have a real astronomy weekend. Your reports are inspiring.

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Early morning call is not one of my strong points, I was up at 3.00 my time and sky was stunning but I am working so hard at the moment rendering, it was back to bed. Your reports are always a pleasure to read and I notice on the one of your lovely sketches of M33 that is about what I see here from my site with a bigger scope, maybe not as good as where you are, M33 is always dependant on dark sky and sometimes I struggle to see it.

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