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Hey all, 
Here's a look at the Pleiades last night.

Canon 7d, 400mm at f5.6 ISO 1600. 
15*2 min
6*5 min

This focal length is starting to test the mount, plus it was a bit windy, so I threw away around 20% of the 2 min subs, and nearly half the 5 min subs (unguided).
Beautiful target though.



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28 minutes ago, jazza said:

Hey all, 
Here's a look at the Pleiades last night.

Canon 7d, 400mm at f5.6 ISO 1600. 
15*2 min
6*5 min

This focal length is starting to test the mount, plus it was a bit windy, so I threw away around 20% of the 2 min subs, and nearly half the 5 min subs (unguided).
Beautiful target though.



Love this pic, great image

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