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Hello from California


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Hello everybody,

My name is Jon Wright, I have been wanting a telescope for quite some time, and this weekend my parents brought me a Tasco 302012, Not what I would have picked, but I am grateful and excited to finally have one! Its a 4.5in Newtonian Reflector. 114 x 900 Older telescope, but it was only used twice, and looks brand new. Anyway, I have been having a lot of fun with it, and already got a few great shots of the moon just by holding my iphone up to the lens. It came with an SR 4mm, and a H20mm and a very cheap 2x barlow. I purchased a 12.5mm also. All my eyepices are actually .965, but the scope accepts 1.25, so I ordered a small celestron kit from amazon, with a 15mm, a 9mm and some filters. anyway, I have a TON to learn but I am eager and excited. I also grabbed an old Logitech webcam that I hope to turn into a telescope camera. Any body have any advice on stitching software? anyway, I will try and get my shots of the moon posted, they turned out remarkably good to my untrained eye. I'd like to replace my star pointer, it wont stay still, and feels pretty crummy, there is a cheap red dot one on amazon I hope to get soon. I am really wanting to get some good shots of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.  Look forward to learning from you all!

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Welcome. Your excitement is palpable. What a trip you're gonna have! All I would suggest is to remember that you have to have fun while you're doing it.

'Mojave desert' makes my head reel thinking of the kind of skies you might have.


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John welcome on board. You do realise that most of the SGL membership would probably happily swap all their fancy astro kit just for your location and your Tasco. :happy7: Just let me know when you want to relocate to the grey cloud covered skies of the UK. :happy8: If you can get access to an SLR camera you could start experimenting with some wide field astro shots/star trails, no need to attach it to the telescope; search for Barn Door tracker.  Good luck and ask away, there are some real great and talented folk here to help you out.

Oh and if you have not done so already download Stellarium.


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Haha, yes I realize I am in a very good place for astronomy. In fact, I work at Edwards AFB, and drive past NASA every day. I do actually already have a DSLR, It a canon T2i. I plan to take the camera and my telescope out this weekend camping just south of Sequoia National Park. It should be gorgeous! Thanks for the heads up on the barn door tracker, I will for sure be building one of those soon.

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Edwards AFB, NASA and the Mojave Desert, you do realise you have lost all sympathy now - only joking.:happy8:  Looking forward to seeing some more photographs, try a star trail shot on your camping trip.



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Hi Jon and welcome to SGL, lots for you to learn and a steep hill to climb, but do not let your enthusiasm rush you into spending on accessories, before first doing a little research and asking the forum membership for their observations. Could save you buying something; not entirely suited to your scope.

Nice iphone capture of our close neighbour, I believe there are devices available to hold these phones to the eye piece for basic photography. Enjoy your Astronomy and the forum :)

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