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M27 in a rich starfield

Stub Mandrel

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Despite being astro-modded I think the colours on this one have come out nicely. I think M27 looks amazing against the context of  the rich starfields of the Milky Way. Sorry it's abig file but I think it's worth using a PNG.

M27 Dumbell Nebula.png

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1 hour ago, Astroboy239 said:

That's a nice Dumbell. What equipment did you use? It's really nice for a dslr


Thanks folks.

The Skywatcher 150PL and an astro-modded canon 450D. Only 32 30-second 1600iso subs but I took about 70 and was ruthless about getting rid of any that didn't have completely round star, which is probably why its sharp[er than my usual pics - plus Astra is great at brining out the detail when I can stop myself overdoing it.

Processing was an open goal - the raws on the screen showed the blue and red areas and nice star colour. I suspect not having a totally dark sky might actually help with a relatively bright object.

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On 7/6/2016 at 15:15, Stub Mandrel said:

Despite being astro-modded I think the colours on this one have come out nicely. I think M27 looks amazing against the context of  the rich starfields of the Milky Way. Sorry it's abig file but I think it's worth using a PNG.

M27 Dumbell Nebula.png

Superb inspiring shot

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