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Hello everyone

Been lurking for a while so I thought I'd register principally at this stage to thank everyone for the valuable information on here.   I have had an interest in astronomy since I was was young boy and I'm now looking to combine it with my interest in photography



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Greetings, dant, and welcome to SGL - very nice of you to join us! Yes - it's past bedtime over in your land. But people will come pouring in soon! :p

Many people doing astrophotography and video-astrophotography here, you shall soon be in good company all eager to help find answers to your questions - so don't be shy!

Clear & Dark Skies -


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A big welcome from the tail end of the UK and someone else starting out in astrophotography. 

This is a great site and I have learnt so much in the short time I have been on here.

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Hi Dant and welcome to SGL, if you are intending to go down the photographic route, one of the most popular publications used by a good many of the forum members, from those just starting out, to the experienced imager, is : Steve Richards book "Making Every Photon Count" not available through book shops, but see FLO top of the page for further details, enjoy the forum :) 

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Wow what a welcome. Thank you.  

I'm still researching what scope to purchase; what I had in mind (a reflector) is not as suitable as I thought and that is a mistake avoided.  So far it looks like a skywatcher refractor, an evostar or equinox.   I already own a Canon dslr.   first things first - book to be ordered tomorrow!

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