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Sol 24-5-16 09.00


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nice and sunny again today,its windy but seeing fair to good but not as good as yesterday. taken with 120mm frac ,1.5x barlow,lunt solar wedge,450d mono, 80 frames staxed with regi coloured in photoshop. its not a proper closeup its to windy to put my 4x barlow in. thanks for looking,and i hope you all have clear skys "bye bye monster 2" charl.sol 24-5-16 09.00 bnw.pngsol 24-5-16 09.00 col.pngsol 24-5-16 09.00 inv.pngsol 24-5-16 09.00 cu1.png

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Nicely done Charl, looks like a couple of hours Sun here before the clouds return, it loks like the same clouds that spent a week going north are now all coming back the other way :eek:

Had a quick browse around before imaging and AR2546 is doing a bit of flaring still so will see if I can catch some, windy here as well.


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thanks Dave, glad you have some sun mate, after your stressful day yesterday. ive just been trying to get a close up, its too windy for my barlow so i tryed with my QHY5V but still showing movement with every shot so ive give up on that idea. i look forward to your images. clear skys charl. 

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Fine images, Charl.  Very nice detail.

That big old hole is gonna be gone soon.  Hopefully, we'll get some nice action around the limb too.

Thanks much for sharing your work.

Clear Skies

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