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Petition to regulate light pollution


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If this is indeed legit, well done to everyone for their efforts.

There are loads of tweets about light pollution and this proves 'social media' really is the fastest way to spread a message.

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2 minutes ago, mapstar said:

Having read some of the posts on that thread it's got me yearning for the dark evenings of Autumn and Winter again. I tend to have an Astro break from mid May to end of July. 


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Government will respond

Government responds to all petitions that get more than 10,000 signatures

Waiting for less than a day for a government response


Perhaps we ought to:

Draft a press release to put out to local papers when the response comes

Tip off organisations like CPRE Darks skies etc.

Thank everyone we have asked to help.


I bet Michael Hendle gets a surprise when an email <insert name of random politician here> arrives!

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Well done to everyone for their efforts in this.

It was touch and go at times, and really we have had some fortunate timely info that have been a big influence on the outcome.

It is a compliment to everyone that has taken part and a massive boost to our hobby.

Many others have put a lot of effort into raising awareness and I thank everyone for their efforts.

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1 hour ago, Physopto said:

10,000 Signatures at 20:44 Hours

The Fat lady is singing !!


Well her rehearsal is over as the number of UK signatures now stand at  10,009.  Cannot post the data as my iPad will not allow me to select the relevant entry. But well done to everyone who has been promoting this petition.



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