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Hi everybody!

I've often visited this forum, searching for suggestions in imaging techniques. Today I decided to sign in to try this tool: imgalt
Unfortunately, it doesn't let me download the attachment. Perhaps I need to gain some reputation before I'm allowed to do that?

Anyhow, I'm glad to be with you! ;)


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Hi Giovanni and welcome to SGL - Hope that you enjoy your time here.

Not sure about the link you posted - I'm not prepared to click on it incase there's some nasty lurking in there somewhere. You should be able to browse the forum without having to download anything :)

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Hi Sara,

The link is to a thread inside this forum, which contained an attachment I wasn't able to download. I'm told that this was caused by an update of the forum engine. Anyway, I sent a message to the author of the post and he kindly replaced the broken links on that thread.

I thank you all for your welcome!

Clear skies!


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