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Hello and thanks already!


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Hi, a new member and already I owe you all a bunch of thanks.

After my 15 yr old son expressed a curiosity about astronomy, as a complete novice to this subject, being able to listen into your discussions proved hugely helpful. This forum is a font of knowledge which has helped us make what I hope are some really good decisions for beginners.

For example, foregoing a smaller aperture computerised scope, instead going for a Skyliner 200 Dobsonian: the thrill of bagging Jupiter and three moons "by hand" on our first outing, with nothing but your advice in my ears to guide us, may not seem much to some of the more hardened pros amongst you, but it was a moment of pure magic for the whole family. And yes, we are officially hooked!

And so, onwards and upwards. Next destination - Saturn and later this month, Mars. :)

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Hi D-VDER, (and family), welcome to SGL. :hello2:

Good start. Cannot wait to read your Saturn & Mars reports. Saying that, don't be upset if you can't see much detail on Mars.

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4 hours ago, Floater said:

Great stuff! You got a super start.

Welcome. Continue to have fun.

Saturn should blow you away. Keep your expectations low for Mars.

Hey thanks. So much to see, so it's all good. ☺

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2 hours ago, JamesM said:

Hi and welcome to the forum. Great picture of the cat - is he/she family?

Clear skies and hope you continue to find the forum useful.

Yeah that's Hector. He says hi too.

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Welcome, and the family and Hector. I had a similar experience. I learnt so much lurking around these parts I just had to join the fun. Those fruitless nights are a great opportunity for a bit of fettling with the gear, reading up and other 'theory based' activities. You'll never lose the passion once you're hooked. And I too am sharing with others, a ten year old niece in my case who is taking every opportunity to get out observing!!

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Welcome to the lounge.

At least you have been able to make a well funded choice, based on reading information. That is well done, because there is so much to choose from that it is not easy.

When it comes to planets, I currently find Jupiter the most spectacular, because it is high in the sky and I have been able to see most details on it. Mars and Saturn are lower above the horizon and then there is more disturbing atmosphere between the planet and your telescope. So they don't show equally much detail at the moment (in north europe, that is). But Saturn can still be easily recognized with it's bright ring. Mars is a bit fuzzy and I have understood that that always it the case.

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16 hours ago, johnfosteruk said:

Welcome, and the family and Hector. I had a similar experience. I learnt so much lurking around these parts I just had to join the fun. Those fruitless nights are a great opportunity for a bit of fettling with the gear, reading up and other 'theory based' activities. You'll never lose the passion once you're hooked. And I too am sharing with others, a ten year old niece in my case who is taking every opportunity to get out observing!!

Thanks. Nice to be part of this community.


now, if I can just figure how I managed to mess up my posts when using Android....

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