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New to astronomy

Moon Dust

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But I jumped in with both feet, I've spent about 6mos researching different types of telescope's and trying to decide what direction I wanted to go.  I decided I wanted to do astrophotography so I've ordered a 11" RASA on a CGEM DX. And I will be begging all of u for help. I just didn't want to get something and then want to up grade in a year.  So in a week I will need that help. Thank all of u in advance.

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Hi and welcome to SGL - There's a few of us imagers knocking about :D So do shout if you need some help. Also have a quick search on the forum as you may find that any questions you have have already been covered before :)

Look forward to seeing you around and good luck with your scope :)

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Hi Moon Dust and welcome to SGL, that is one big and expensive piece of kit for starters, what you have missing and I think most will agree with me, is a copy of Steve Richards book on AP, "Making Every Photon Count" see FLO top of the page for details, very essential for those starting out to the experienced imager. Enjoy your Astrophotography and the forum :)

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11 hours ago, swag72 said:

Hi and welcome to SGL - There's a few of us imagers knocking about :D So do shout if you need some help. Also have a quick search on the forum as you may find that any questions you have have already been covered before :)

Look forward to seeing you around and good luck with your scope :)

Thank u. Look forward to picking ur brain and technics 


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10 hours ago, Dave Lloyd said:

Hi and welcome. That's a heck of a starter imaging scope. Start climbing that steep learning curve.

I know it's a big jump. And I've read on both trains of thought. Start small and grow or get what u want and learn.  I'm 61. Always loved the out doors and the night sky. I've been reading up on astronomy for about a year. With over 6mos research into different scopes. And decided on this one. But I'm a little nervous about about the learning curve.  So I will appreciate any an all the help I can get. So I don't get to frustrated with it.


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10 hours ago, happy-kat said:

Do you have an observatory to leave it in?

Looks like you will have the weather to use it :-) 

No observatory but I do have some of the darks sky in the US about 35miles away. It show's on the US light map that it will remain dark until at least 2035. The set up is in 3 magor PCs. The heaviest pc is about 45# I can handle that but when assembled I think it's around 120" s so I won't be moving it around at the dark sight or out back once it's set up for the night. But I will have to practice a lot so it doesn't take me all night to set it up. 


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9 hours ago, glowjet said:

Hi Moon Dust and welcome to SGL, that is one big and expensive piece of kit for starters, what you have missing and I think most will agree with me, is a copy of Steve Richards book on AP, "Making Every Photon Count" see FLO top of the page for details, very essential for those starting out to the experienced imager. Enjoy your Astrophotography and the forum :)

Thank you glowjet, and very good advice.  I know it's large set up but I only wanted to buy the setup once and then just add the bells and wissels as I went. I hope I've not made a big mistake. That's why I've reached out to all of u for the tremendous help I'm going to need. I've been reading a lot but it's been on astronomy and the night sky. But ur right now I need to focus on the AP side. I will try and get the book today. R u an imager.

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57 minutes ago, Moon Dust said:

I know it's a big jump. And I've read on both trains of thought. Start small and grow or get what u want and learn.  I'm 61. Always loved the out doors and the night sky. I've been reading up on astronomy for about a year. With over 6mos research into different scopes. And decided on this one. But I'm a little nervous about about the learning curve.  So I will appreciate any an all the help I can get. So I don't get to frustrated with it.


It's going to be great fun, don't have any concerns about that.

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52 minutes ago, Starwiz said:

Hi Moon Dust,  

Wow! You have jumped in with both feet.  I am so envious :icon_biggrin:  

Welcome to the SGL.  The guys & gals on here will really help you.  


U know what they. If ur going to do it u might as well do it right. But that's the problem I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. But with all of u all helping me I don't see how I can go wrong.  Now that doesn't mean I'm not going to make a lot of mistakes along the way.  But we will just call those learning experiences. And do just that learn from them.  Thank u for the welcome.

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2 hours ago, Moon Dust said:

So I will appreciate any an all the help I can get. So I don't get to frustrated with it.

Good luck with that bit, :grin: i'm afraid frustration is part and parcel of astro imaging, it goes hand in hand with learning, but you will have fun

 and welcome to SGL


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Hi Moon Dust and welcome . I'm new to SGL as well and in the process of upgrading equipment. I've received plenty of great help and guidance already from forum members. That looks like a mighty fine scope & mount - look forward to hearing how it performs for you.

Will :hello:

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