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Mercury Transit 9th May 2016


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Just been out and spotted it myself. Lots of cloud around drifting over the Sun, but Mercury is there at about 3 o' clock in my scope. I'll check back later if the clouds vanish. No sunspots to see due to lack of them or too much cloud.

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Passing cloud but enough clear sky to have a decent view here. Been visual only as everytime up put the camera in a cloud comes over. Was raining just before the transit so didn't expect anything

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Well I have seen it through haze and have 2 avis taken of practically the same shot, looks as though it's a cloud dodger day today which is a vast improvement on earlier.

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Thick cloud still, but just been watching the news and it a lovely day in London.  Been looking at the live link from the RGO so it looks like all those at the Greenwich event are having great views.




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Well, the cloud lifted enough here near Reading to get some great views just after it started. Really pleased at how crisp and distinct the disc of Mercury is on the face of the sun. Cloud thickening up now and looking like it might rain.

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Yay !!!

I just got lucky and I'm seeing decent views of the Transit here albeit through some cloud cover. Mercury nice and clear and what a lovely sunspot group to complement it :icon_biggrin:

Theres going to be some great images of this from those who have clearer skies but I'm so glad I've seen part of the event at least :hello2:

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Yay !!!

I just got lucky and I'm seeing decent views of the Transit here albeit through some cloud cover. Mercury nice and clear and what a lovely sunspot group to complement it :icon_biggrin:

Theres going to be some great images of this from those who have clearer skies but I'm so glad I've seen part of the event at least :hello2:

It is a good sunspot group. I have to break for a bit but hope to get out later. Even if it clouds over now I am happy to have had a good view - almost makes up for the last Venus transit.

my wife even popped out for a look because they were talking about it on the news earlier

Edited by bish
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Nice one John, It certainly has been a good one today. Good to see you managed a peek :happy6: I took a small trip to the east coast(ish) to see it as Northants was not looking too promising.

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It seems that the best views were to be gotten in the NE of the UK. Just goes to show that its not always "grim up north". I'm pleased with what i saw. I never planned to be sat at the scope all day for the whole event. Ive seen a transit now........i can move on. It wouldnt be in my top 5 things ive seen.

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2 minutes ago, Starlight 1 said:

Best I can do is to show you I was out there, Got a bit to windy around 2.30 and the filler was flaping abit so play safe and come back in .


Thats blue(ish) sky there and your solar filter looks like its well solid. You didnt give it a go?.

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The clouds have been solid since my little peek at this event earlier plus we have had a fair amount of rain.

I have a feeling that I was dead lucky to see anything from here today.


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1 minute ago, John said:

The clouds have been solid since my little peek at this event earlier plus we have had a fair amount of rain.

I have a feeling that I was dead lucky to see anything from here today.


You saw something. For most of us it was always going to be an event where we saw something (not the whole thing). That's good enough. I didnt plan to observe the whole 8 hrs anyway.

I can now tick Mercury of my list of observed planets. Ive seen it in the evening after sunset but only naked eye. OK.......today it was a black dot.. 

I'm happy with my transit day


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Had another look as sky clear. Sketching only though - I should have charged my camera batteries! At least there will be some much better images posted than my efforts would have been!

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Im glad i watched S@N last night. It's the only rocky inner planet that i have never given much thought to or about. Its a weird little ball of rock (not much rock to talk about). If i understood the programme correctly........a day on Mercury (6 Earth months) lasts longer than a year on Mercury (2 Earth months)?.

I'm sure i have that wrong.



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4 minutes ago, LukeSkywatcher said:

You saw something. For most of us it was always going to be an event where we saw something (not the whole thing). That's good enough. I didnt plan to observe the whole 8 hrs anyway.

I can now tick Mercury of my list of observed planets. Ive seen it in the evening after sunset but only naked eye. OK.......today it was a black dot.. 

I'm happy with my transit day


Well put Paul,  As a lot of menbers on here have done so much in geting the right set up for to day and the weather was not nice for then , and to think some may not be around for the next 33 years is a long time and its not to say it be any better then , So for anyone that seen any of it today well done.

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Just managed to get a great view with my 8", steady granulation and loads of sunfreckles! I've packed most of my stuff away for another view at the end of the transit. I'm really happy because it was supposed to be 100% cloud all day!


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Congratulations to those having seen and/or photographed the Transit. I've been enjoying the images, and the on-line coverage. 

I still have my fingers crossed here in Cornwall. I've been keeping an eye on the weather radar all afternoon: it does look like more broken cloud will move in later - but will it be soon enough? Still raining at the moment, but I have my lens filtered up and ready to go!

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