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Greetings each,    I am very new having discovered this group when searching for material to include on my web site. My interest is in making Astronomy accessible to people with disabilities.  It seems there is much excellent material around but sadly its often written with a Northern Hemisphere  perspective.  Down here in the South West Pacific (New Zealand) the novice can often struggle to make sense of information where commentary is significantly Northern.   I have found an excellent resource from  Brian Ventrudo  Publisher, Cosmic Pursuits  www.CosmicPursuits.com    Brian presents his writing to be inclusive of Northern and Southern hemisphere perspectives.   My own learning is heavily based on Brian's writing.

My questions are two:-  

(1) Is there anyone else known promoting access to Astronomy for people who are Blind or Disabled?  

(2) Are there any known resources such as 'Cosmic Pursuits' available which could be useful to Blind or Disabled Astronomers?

Thanks for any suggestions,



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Hi Allen.

I can only speak for myself as a full time wheelchair user (Spina Bifida). I have never found astronomy an issue in relation to my disability. I have over the years (35 yrs now) picked astro gear that i can manage and easily use.

To be honest.....i dont think there is enough info out there for disabled people to allow them to enjoy the hobby (or the best way to enjoy). Ive looked and all i can find at best is parralelagram mounts for both bins and scopes.

I would be very interested in anything you find in relation to this and will offer any 1st hand experience to help others. 

Lets get a good resource for both Northern and Southern hemispheres disabled astronomers going.

The views may be different but the same rules apply.



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Hi Allen and welcome to SGL, looks like you have created an Astronomical hill for yourself to climb. Paul is the only wheel chair, regular SGL forum contributor, that I am aware of and he has already commented on the issue. I am sure the unsighted and disabled community will, never the less, welcome your endeavours and I wish you every success, enjoy the forum :)

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Hello Allen.

Welcome to the site.

Could you please tell us how you currently promote astronomy among blind people? Are you thinking about lectures in astronomical subjects? Or can blind people feel digital photographs with their fingers?

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Allen, you may wan't to get in touch with Baz, he owns and runs the Asign observatory in Canberra.  Baz is a member here on SGL, see link below. While being knowledgeable about matters to do with observing from the southern hemisphere he also runs an outreach mission aimed at members of the public and local schools.  I don't know if he has any particular expertise on the issues faced by disabled astronomers but he may have some experience on access issues and observing itself.  Worth a go maybe.  Good luck and welcome.






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