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M76 -Little Dumbell or Pretzel Nebula


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I wish I had the time to go back and re-stack and process all the data obtained over the years, with the benefit of new software and tools. Specifically, using Pixinsight.

But I don't so will just do the best I can with the remaining pictures in my "Still to be Done" folder. 

Pretty sure I haven't posted this one before here, although a version with the same data has been on astrobin for a while.

C11 Edge, Atik 428, Ha, Oiii, Sii, RGB filters all mixed, mashed, used and abused.

M76 has some really faint ears at the top end. They only show in Ha exposures, and even then, only just. Hardly ever see them in amateur images, and try as I might, I can't get enough signal from them to bring them out properly. A challenge for another day perhaps.


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