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Self build?


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Hi, I'm a newbie, I remember that as a teenager we had a 4" reflector and managed to see the rings of Saturn - something I've never forgotten in the intervening 40 odd years.

Then last year, I was inspired by my Son-in-Law's home made 6" Dobsonian reflector, and as an aircraft sheetmetal worker, I thought "I could do that!"

And so here I am, hoping that some of you will be able to point me in the right direction - what is the best project to embark on, good suppliers or any other advice that you think would help.

(I do have a Celestron Astromaster 76, which, to be honest, isn't up to much more than observing the Moon, as you will probably know)



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I think asking for help in the welcome section isn't the best idea. You get a lot of "Welcome to the forum" but the actual advice on your chosen topic is a little sparse.

Posting this question in "DIY astronomer" will likely get you more & better responses.

Welcome to the forum! :tongue:


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Hi Andy and welcome to the stargazers lounge 

Have a look through the DIY section on here for some great scope build projects and ideas.  Feel free to post any questions about supplies/ materials or ideas you may have.

There are plenty of amateur scope builders on here only too eager to help out :)

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